Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 52, 26 April 1939 — A TRIBUTE TO A FINE MAN [ARTICLE]

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The Star of Hawaii was establishedl in April, 1906, and with this issue roundis out its 33rci year and enters it§ 34th week. lt is one of the oldest newspapers in the territory and for many yeais was edite<3 by the late Sen. Stephen 1 Desha, Sr.. who will be remembered as one of the fsne.st gentlenicn of Hawaii of the old school. For many years he was paslor of Haili church, Hilo, one of the fincsl Hawaiian c!nirchcs in the territory. Tliere is a grow-:ng sei\timrnt throughout Hawaii to perpetuatc his rnemory in some |x.-rinanent form. 1 lis newspapcr is beīn- c;nricd on kugely through the friendly sentiment of people of al! nationnlities who recognized his fine qualitīes hoth as a miniiter and a polīlieian. His name wil! go down in history as one of the builde.rs and great men of Hawaii.