Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 52, 26 April 1939 — Cowboys Of Hawaii Nei [ARTICLE]

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Cowboys Of Hawaii Nei

By >.UEZ ASHDOWN nt'<' nuiiioi'oun .bo«ks :vboat fnwln'.v>. ■ a.rt' v.Titton by lM !\vn.i.v< therns.olves, others were imnpihMl I>V adruiriTi{r friends. \Vli;st\'vtH' tln> niā!!iiscripts, all %vere wi-iiiMii i»y tiiOse who wi>hed to ket|i ;iliv.' rhv (.l'l muliiion* and ilie ī'omanei' of Uie \vestern UnHeel- .. ■■. ; Yei. wliile fomo of the finest ;\nn'i'ifj.n i'uvs l»oys :ire lho«e born ;iih' ni.poii īn Ilnwuii, no ono ha? t \or \\ntten ;»bont tlie iuttive pani- . I;i aiul little N lioanl of them e?:vci.t loi' oi-(;i;siu]i;i! tie\vs irenis, or. a* tlii' ī'iH'onl Hoolaulea, olH' iwo ili'e inclinU'(l ill llle gell- . iai i.uMi. :iy. Wlio were the first oo\vboys in llau;iii. wlio ;iiv the eowbo.v.'* of tO- - wM.'i'e i!o i:iev Hve uinl \vhat ~, ili<iio oiln>;- ilian rope eaUle . i ;: :e lil'OUcsV in aiiswer iiiese tinesti<»ns reu?iiivh $imtlar to iliat done by I)a--\i<i Malo aiul the lirst Missionaries wlien they en<leavoivd to separate 'i'oui .'H'tuality. woulel have i.i !i(i i'olieweil Yet who. in t.his 'HHHlem day. ean reniember soiae lonjr-i«'rsrorten niele ielliup: of the t'ust eiiwl.oys 10 visit this group of islan(is? . That they. ;tre Mexiean or Spanisli is kmwn, iieeai!se īhe name "pai.is a denvation of the term "Kspauoi," Sume of ilie preseat (<;ty rowhoys will idl ahout a father or jrraiull'ailiei' wlio w;is uf the I.at in people. .Tuck Aina. one of .Maui's most ji..pul;.r ki!Īglits of lhe .s;uhlh\ will s ,y "Ai. J[v fiither Mexiean. Tlio*e p;nuola hi'in.u' noho (_sad(lles), i;i (i'ope). kaiila waha (hridk«V, kipa (sj>urs). aml a'H the thSugss we t«'»l!iy." A111;i is jiast !iti. iiiiī is still the --- r-hit.jiin.tr m,m aiul one of the ! iest •••!:*'•"< on iht- ishind. and >oin,L"!rr meii will stan«l waīeliinpni'il :i"īitir>ū ''Aiiia ! īlo' ka niakani!" (Aina. iro like me wiiul!) as ' he il;i>lies oui «»f a eomil on 3iis his; siup]nni" horsē. a ha\vrng erow-hojt-l>ing steer at tlie er.d of his 20 foot manina line. aiiil int«> the sea wlih a f(vanrain of spray. The hīr<_'er his audience the better lie wovks and lauirhs and inuul£re>i 1 1 1 liurse-nlay, partieularly if ihero he pi'eseiit :iny nialiliini. ī.ater. after he has \vashed i.-inl oiled his s;:f].|]e aml siriille. aia; 'i.'iie himsolf uji i!i Ti<-y shirr. er;:ps, hoots ;in«l (jindy -jii:rs) and «"ii|.e.' :H: : 11«- tiner\ \\.;'i a teh- _ ih. m he eniov< sinping and ii i_ .» llula f«ir !iis lh«s nutl gnests. Ih> i- now and īniiin'i' for Anuii- Ma.'Pliee al tlie Main Ai.'l'i■■ tnnira! C«nnp:iii\ 's Keal.iia -n!.!.'- w!;er.• i lie Ki.hoolawe an.l .•nnijiany i»(>r--es are kepi. Ile - i n i- • i h. d,i . K uia ili ira\v!inle ro\.o> a!;d nses iii(«s« of i!is re tline ;1m- ao<l for putt ,!i„ tfti!-. y work oii or briūh*. for lie iakes j»ride in bis "jewelr\" :i!iil "U':i'.e!:o- !:l- *.'!iad(HV" :!S ;ill faiie.v ci'w!«'vs <10. He \vorked ai l iupaiakua raneh when !\fr. Ma<Phe( \vas mana?er thert>, ti. o■ i >'i' u 1 ■',( f )ia«>us ropinjr ehainpt«>n, Ikua I'ui-.h, who is foreni.in <>f the ran«*h. Ikna who kno\vs ranih work ftvm A to 7 who ,ioj?s i)uiellv ah'ii-/ hin soen}s iti k»o\v bv inslniet where Uie pipl «hlu (wihl <artie) will !>*■ hi<liiig. Tb* J īī iis tliev "s. are" he ;mtl horse uiiwhkl lik«- eh>. kwōi'k, to fnpr an<l tie Hi;e hj:ht.idnjr. Aiīlii knew oM Uiipakuka, iī<'W <le;nl. v\l>om» .jiii<'ll\ (iirry on hfs fhmo«s work aud HMini' Aīhl KllliUl. wh<> 1"«-U« -! hk<> all tini«« \v:it'ri<n', wml v\ho ht'«mj;b! 1«. īnlml t!:a* f?rst iiotetl 1 1«.t-«*nt:in Kn nH'hnmehu tbe Or. iiS. nlie-e hors<>s iiiul eallh'. t!u* Him in Hawaii. \\cre hneiahl !is j:ifi;s l.\ V:M>..-«mve;« a»<! <"lewlaUil in T7t»:M Tho*o tlrsl iMiiui.i!- \s.«r< p.aoe v l «n«ler u len year iabt» hy ilu» Ha wililan uionaiali. aiul tliai tnbu \vas probii!>ly Hie tbe wihl «at!!e whieh Mai.ie'! i!i., loonniaih slopes of 11:.w;ii an.l Mani uii'il rf!t)('?»iii*'U who wi-heil lc> ha\e pure <i»ttte nnnt <horo»»iil»brtul luir w. Ttn-it. r«iji lnjt <to*«s m«»t ' tla w Htl rhbuji, lh<* p!t»iiinc «>f »vtjw<i !<nim«l« (<* plpi kail«> (|'»llt "Ne:(> ; i;ii,\ u»oiV than t<!ia pipi fhujioi-k are fo|" haill.i i. f»eorgi« l>u\ii«i i«f «,iv t! ii .»r th<' r.-!ti h% woikln» « Wihh' i'U' i!,» ant! li,- hr.'{ '! t:.. Mi'ku y»i,s;t,. <:. ,t. ■- ,\. •; . i : (»ll«e(-. «vi.e „ ~x i ,| ;,\\ ,i,\ or ttle<l, hn! \vh<i t« ii.aoi uti kiiomu ,10»*uj,Ji '!,(.• -? t,«". m ul-1 n. «..n„ 1u,,.i, . *,ii ~f *»f tt'»»i nhl Weii'īi Tt»or.* ,<!•« M.« !p.i ■ " . i,. \, ., i( wle' '.«> .'-<1 « =• ,v. ~ a

<-<)ulloy This ' Hawaiian C)iartie i;ussvil ia valknl John Lihau Kaailiue is* furemrtii of the cattle \\ufk ut Huiiuluu t , uik(.'h, is 41 ■yt'ai"s old, was in Kaupo īu l*Jiy aml is proud oC his fiue wife auil nino vhi-Ulren. Six hvisky hoys and iliiie protty girls who help Fatlu;r wit.li. tlu- fhoitis, or Mother wilh' la'iisc'\vork or ihe prep'aring ; ( mi weavinj; i>f lauhala. LiiiiUi oan niake a fine sadfllo trēe ;<jkl < over it lo perfection, uau strip ;ut(l st rape a jriiH>n hiile for braid- ] ing a fme kaula ili, makes his own j ili kalapu (kut'e lej;giiigs), ordiuary | U'iif>iuss, or diaps; repairs the fa- i ii:ii.v .s'hoes wlun they nee.d half-j soling, niakes uiost of tlie liousehold j niniiiui-.' ;iinl i-an ri>pair anything j !i\>m a pan tu a roof. | lle makos rauties <>r hoats, iisli j nels, lauhala hats <>r niAts, and ; likes to t'iiiploy <>ld Hawaiian meth- j \\heiievi.'r p<wsil)le. I?ut in those t akamai (<lovor) fiiiirers, aecording | 10 traine<l ai'tists who liave seeu his j i';irviujp:. is genius. ' j Oliai-lie Riissf'U. fanious eowboy- 1 ' artist, Hke<l to fashion Uttie %UTes of liieh, horses or other things from <;indie «;ix a< he yarned with the i <iwboys in a Wyoming lmnk-house. llis picture. Tlie Last Stand, according to an olil Pt.ory, -was given 1 hy iiiiii to a saloon owner in payineni of a hoard-and-keep hill, and ihe owner later refu*ed an ofEer of seveial tlioiis;uitl dolla'rs' for the now famous pi<<ure. Yet linssrll di<l not. as he joketl aml >vorked wiih t!;e uien. !>eiieve he would s<>me<lay he f;unou«. | ! Noi' <li<l I.iliau. a few months ago, (liiuk that he was <l<iina; eYceptional earvins with his ]ien-knife. He ofren does for friends just ;<> p!ea-'e thrm. Bur some weeks ;:iro he l'ouiul a fri<>n<l who was very nuuli disturbed. Tho vocfttional ! s, hooi ui Kahnlui ho<l nmde a flne > laiile <.»f inoukev poil \v«>od and the j owner desired 11 > nt the )egs of t«ie : i;ihle he emweil as :m akua <K°d or | idol.) [ The only artist avails\ble for the •eai'Ting had asked a proliibitive 1 ;unount, otliers liad no lime or hon|esily admitted that thev did not bej lieve ihey eould do justic*e to the i <ex! Ppiionally flne pieee of wood. [ Lihau inspe<*ted the rahle, loobed I ai a Orawing made by the owner, | studied s<>me old hisrory piotures j or ancient idols. aiul finally saiō j t;uietiy that he eouhl do tlie work. j At the" frieiul*s glance of incre- | dulity. Mrs. Lihau nodded and annt'iuneed that indee<l John eould ; < arvē aiiythinj:, when be liad s]>are ' time. j Tw<> weeks later they brought the j tahle hiU'k t<> t«wn froni their rauoh hoioe. It was taken by the emlmsī;isii<- owner to the vocaiioual s<hool prin<-ipal, Krnest Hood, whose own heautiTu! nativ<>woo<s iuriiKure is fauious. At tlie school ihe <i>tTee tahle was i»ollslied and i-omiileted, and people froin all parts <>f Maui have ealled at the owuer's heme t<> see that an<] other earvii»irs <!oue by Lihail, and mats h .nie hy his wife. One aiul all agree that geuius < re- ; īeil this masterpiece of art and le-M-n<l, f«r with a fevv deft liiies the wniiih of an akua rJses from the ■ ilaiues" oi' the wockl 4i'rain. Lihau listens thesr prulses, ao<<'|>ts Iheii- eos.«r;»tuluUonB. while ius wii'e siuiie«? proudly. and houie t« his fuuilly und bis work u<imleriiig wliy tliey all gtve lilui s<? iiun'li ttttention, for he is a <julet, U!iassun>iiiK man who dw? not looft 2<>r mieinion but who does lier.iuse they are his jol»s or ii> wams 10. And he would not bo j-uīliy of turiiius out pōor work of :(iiy sort ls hi' u throw buck to tli«si» old aii.'esi«»rs who earve<l UloU frotu i.ii-i iiv«s ihe aneU'Ul ieni or i> ii ju»t siuipb lh«t reul < <i\\ !ni,\ s iuuni use their atud u> f-u< h £i de«r>v that <au <!u the> wiiih to do7! l.s!<au has ha<! very !iuie schooili.»use t.r«liiiUi;. no oue has cvwr. T:mtrhl liim of Art aud i!s prlucs- : |t't and he <h»es in«»t t f f lils car\ J Ji.j: with liis k>t!fe, .ilihmuh he d»K>s ' !i:ivo a f«-w it>ids lii.w wliīelī were ' U'ttt hlm i>y si frie»id, | \\ hiie ia- uorks at his huithy Ue j tvuvhes hi» ul»o. )u>l h** j l«.'UvUt>fi tSi»*Jii te r»nß' tO ridk? j uud i<» iinii i, tu i trouble j iu iiunk uuiekij, b»v:h aa, at site Ulili' ,>f ihe W* Aoad «S «aluu 1 !*«• «Kk «IHMOii H truekJ«at| of] iinaie fm-u ihe |4n*!«jipW 1 'U Ui* but * heii l heji vuum> t\i Um* 1 i»uii!» Hie **» 4u«4MMMible. IK> J ot. O ineii Im> lt U» iurj <au<|j theji . .»i»,e t«» Kt<»i» with Uieuni» «w #«n | f««"d «i ti*<- KHiuh M»«rr «|*ti m 11«' bus fur truc)u», ..»»1 UtMl 4 lul tn»thei ! ' nmM'i.e,!, «(nl U i ( ;. u.K MH.Hi' }tul «»f, >i.i U<| M nHIiM <o|HHjigh

limw th<»se swirling \vaiers rusbiii£ t<> ungry Ei£hteen times Lilum swa'm baok £iiul fv>L'th at-ross the, flood to take tlie non-swJmmērs to a si->ot ft'om \vlilc?i t lu'i could oasily reach Imnie, wliile olhevs ( stoo(l about ttatc]iing aud wonderlng 3ust liow loii« the nian eouia st.lßd tlie Strain.

When" the last mau >vus acroPS Lihan tTirried hls tmck, <lrovē it hsu-k (o the jyarage aiul arrived liome a little late for supper. He wn< bothered a hll hy hunger "beca«se Tiis hahit is to eat hreakfast, skip huieh. aml eat a hearty meal' at evening. naneh worfc and its life are al-

wa,v variert. interesting and romantie. Other \valks of life be :is OT<'ītinfx, or so nnleh more <3ancerous thnt all the ftin is laeking, hut ftu- sheer freedotw aud soaring of Hie srpirit no other work is mofe sati«f.vii')g than that done by the <-n\vhov. And of all the cowboj'S in the \vorlol there are none wlio aro more joyonsly reekless f more elependahle in tisrht spots, more full of sonsf and vērsatility tlian tlie panioia of Hawaii.

| Outstanittn£ among them are al-j | wa.vs Eberv Parker Low aod Tfeun 1 I P«rtly. \vhose naraes and sklll are l' i known far an<l wl«3e eveu as of ] i tlioir haole frienrl. Angus MaoPhee i ! of AVyoinirig, whose ehanipion rop- | in:; rp«*ord of 190? still holds first plaee. and wlio ls a kamaaina here. Thefse nien are kīK>wn,"but thero are iii:iny fine paniola wliose names j huve never heen heard outsirle their lioiue ranohes or sslands, and among j theso is Lihau, the eowboy-artīst of Maui.