Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 52, 26 April 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Universlty of Arkansas sophomore got his uaine in the papers t the othet <l«y wlien he ate a live ! 1"-iiu h kiiii? simki' lie eouUi out- | modc Harvar<l stuiloiits. who have | recently adoplcd the fad oC eating [ live gold fish. | \\*e have some idea of wliat a lot j of uerve it took this Arkausas stuclent tu pul on his sensalional act, | ever we trted to eal a pieee ' of raw squid. . j

Furniture that you biow up with air hqs been desigfned by an inventor in lreland. Why not send some of it to our !egislators, defiated? There's a Jot of good air goins| to waste this session, whieh could be used for inflating lt. OESEHT POME No. 22 j Ou Uie Uark Kau <lesert j Sitte pooi- Willie Sc>ut; ! lle s(ruck n deep rtlt i And blew his lights out. I SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:

"A train is safer to rlde in than an automobile f becaus« th« enflln«»r do#Bn't drive wlth hla «rm around the fireman." Tlie price of gasoliny dropped a lialf-<*otu a gallon īu-st wwk. Isu*t iLnl \vomlerful ■ Jns{ tbink what a saving Uiai will mean to owners! of A»stins. i BULL-ETIN I

"i ean skate on iee just as flood | now as f could when I was a boy back eatt» ( | 19CJS> Siiuik>: As weleoine as tlie j san ou Uie <lay of tlie parade. ] QUtZ KORNER Oear Koko-Nuts; What ever J became of the f!ea circus Eddie Fernande* used to brlnfl to Hllo? Aa far as we know it went to llie dogs. ? Speaklng of presideutJal "Uaiber" | , for 1940, Ik>w jibi>ut Charlie MeCar- j thy? I YOU ANSWER {T, WE CAN*T Wanda WafTleiron wants to know jf flsherinen h«ve to ! #ross ineome Ux on their net J . ineome. 1 A« £ar ns we know lhere are uo j 1 Kea w»r])eul.s i!i waters.. 1 Bat we have seen a big maa eattog • I flsh. |

IM9 fabte: Has anybod> heard the on« about t* e drufl «tcre ihal »old nothing but druol? .! i ?K , " r nr "p6jity."'

I * * •* '•"« » •»> |. ~ .. «... iv . : | ttU( «l»Oli hrtv*» to V&fcli • t*CV '! • , '•• ■ J,f V S "HĒ»».. I'liow^ 14 >■< lln» t> i 4l .w « IUKI iv«#k* h* ls *«t <tw ecrv*u; !*<«*?• ii'-H tatf U£Jm.*m UaUS , Vii «, .i. » .^„^3 I h\< «rl* tn»*» f *»d *»!«* «3T tl<f «)r *U«1 | < (K' !«««-, I ▼*•*!» tt «hHmI Ks«t, th« •<»*#«»« «*« et«b M£ th« ih«r* w4U t'r '•• ?-.. <>< H* |1 Mlim «¥*»€ !>*««*, «n4 | # #i*« nv«ri II W «*• ftkk 0f ; i

We*rc all ōut of scoi*ch St>rfly to disappoint our S?eot:cli readcrs thls week, bnt we're all ont cT Tln\vpvor, we have hopes of oi)taini!iy some now oues #ooh.' Onr olō fVioii(l, D. Hunter Kydd, of tl»e Star r.ull, ls leav!h| for Aulil Seotia s(>on a.ml lias prdto senct us somo r«il ones, stral;jfht frora factory. so have I>atifnce, me lads. ' 6UT SNE CANT RECITE QUNGA DIN

j Little StreamUnes, the offico | cut!e, !ik«s to reclte poetry every 1 tlme she goes to the beach. She ! usua!ly starts in with BrowV>lr»g I «nd *nds up wlth Burns. i NOT MUCH DIFFERENCE 1 A bomb explode<l la front ot a i IjontJon a«wspai»er office.tLe other I day but "nobotly \vas liurl. Perhaps ; il wus just the city eiinor bawling | «at one of his reponors for lettiog |« rival payer scoop Uiui. ' LIFE'S DARKEST MOMENT When you epot a park<ng space at the far end of the block and y©u step on the gas to get there before somebody else, only to find that it is aireariy occupied by an Austm. Wouldn't jt make you fe«l like a sap? SAD STORY OutsKlf tlie big St!iiii3s noor Joe : 11*» has onlj* a dimo, And the sliow <x»sl* a <junrU*r.

M«*ico To Op«n Door to Franc6.—New*pap<r h«adUne, Maybe the Mexicans just want him to manaae a revofutions for them. ASTROLOGICAL FOf?ECAST 'J'lw>ire īs a Bisj» imlicating loss of iuiUativf Miui indei>eudeuce amonj larjw naiubers of people^. 2ias been reaclĪU£ Uu' uowi dispaUlies from Europe. In New York Cīt> in the cour«e of a yea;- some S,OOO marrtafle licen«e« were taken out that were never use<J, accor<flng to ttatī»tiCfc Ooea that mean that there are •»000 «m«rt feUow» in New YorKT THAT*S WHAT ADOLF TH!NKS ?snj-s ITcrr Tī't!<>r, *'I īu;tst cOT3fess wpoog afldress, But anyhow that note he «eot IVrhaj>s for uio was ncv» s r Anrt !f !t '{ matt^r To mt? !t\s- n īot of rhstt» x r"

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