Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 52, 26 April 1939 — News From Maui [ARTICLE]

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News From Maui

By INEZ ASHDOWN LAHAINA, Maui, Apr. 18 — An eiglit pound liai'y boy was born to ilr. aiul Mrs. W'iiliain Burke of Kau- | nakakaī, Mulokai, this iuorning at j the l»ioueer Mill compauy's lios>pl- ) tal at Laluina. Mrs. Burke was j i'onueiiy Miss Juliette Eldredge of i-Lahaina aud \vas one of the foreuwst o£ \Ve«t Maui woiuen athletes.

Ālr. aud Miv. Stewart Lenuox »ere liosts Wednesday at d.inner and un ev«inug <tf Bridge. Several guests were iuvite«i to this first of u- series of parties in their new beach home.

Mrs. C. W. Ashdown has spent the past week with her step-mother iīr>;. Augus MaePhee, at Makawao, Mr. MaePhee has heen serlou§ly H1 with'intestlnal trouble aud on Mon<lay eveuiug at Kula General hospital he feli while tu īhe bathroom aud broke his hip. Dr. Craig of the Shriiier's hospital in Houolulu *operated Wednesday morniug and returned to town by the afternoon pla'ue ;is the patient was resting «asily. Mr. MaePhee will be ia the hospital for āt least 6 weeks. | LAHAINA, Maui, April 18—A re. cord crowd of about five thousand j childreu aud adults atteuded the Kaiuehameha 111 Kolossal Karuival whieh was held Apri! 14-15. Carietou K. Weimer, priucipal, in a at the closiug of the Ktiruival, etated that tWs is tbe largest crowd ever to atteud such an afiair, aud he thanked the pubiic foc their euthusiastic support.

l'aculty and pupila had worked hurd for weeks in plannlng aud preparatlon for the shows and gu«ies, but they were well rewarded by the great guocess of this sehool Karnlval.

Muuey from the tickets wlll l>e used for school equlpment.

Wiuoiiig by a large majori{y of tkket votes, Yoshiko NLehiuo was trowned queeu ou the opeaiag &lght In lier royal purple gown with iong train, mā her Jewelkd« i«oHle» ero\vu she mad<? a pn?ltj l#i«-ture wlih her court fomposed ot girls of variou£ nalionalities who, ln naHonal dress. accompauted the "^ueeu."

(if Ui« st*verul worth-wliile yritea Ktvi'ii to l)olders of the luckj tlcket iiuml)» 1 »-» ih<? first prlte weut to May lielle \ishlmura wlio was yroiiKni witii a fiut* 11 tulhl' cousole i'udio.

The comiulitee iu chtu£o yf tht ver.v >uc<t'ssful «flair w«re Mn. (k'riruUt> i< > ujiiti> chitiruuu), aud iUfMliiuics Manha MtT>«>uald &ud i, iiUa*riiK> LoekeiL

* LAIiAINA, Maui, Apr. 1S- Last Susuhiy wus i» L>u»y ut iiaUi \\lu»rf »hen the iluiaie e. work 's>iji ihe K#?uiolawc raucU eow 1 !hl3, !>n>u«?it liome thc Lahalun IJojis eluh uieu»h«'rs frouj Moiokai \\here ihe>. luiU utteuikd the Char t<-t hiiilu for M«'U>kal wti\> !u ld thv?ir celcbrBtivtu Lhe c\ euliii, TU« Chariou, heaulUui ea 1 in >'fuisef frouj iiouuluiu, wa* sd»o •it Mula wiUt il»v Li<iut. *ht> bad • 'ou.ie from o«hu auu who r» iut> f>>r u f« w hour«i tUhlu& off M«ul.

Ou il»v * Uar£, nli Lbc ac uf lhv» ltu> vh.irtiftU i i Un niiū i>a»U 5 1 1»$ *31 LAil i'< \\ uii-u, ī,MiatA'i a c* l.u» oit & uuek iitnl ss«U4lrts!| kr w|U* s brict ct TJif oi w u >UiuU i»le» «utv U& pß\k' FU , :j fm tflia it«« iMV¥9d , >«a»i>uitj « «<ro«« j jt» !,nuaL hrr, Wuu>-)ilu£ t

tafn food. _ » • Wiiile not 100 per ,cent in efficieucy, th« discovery, Dr. Bootliby states, is suggestive of a practical relief for sufferers from seasiclcuess. A new type of inhalatiou apparatus, kuown as tlie nasal oxygen mask, worked by Dr. Boothby aud his associates in connection with extensive oxygeu therapy work, was usetL

The mask was developeil particularly for av!ators aud alr travelers, as a meaus of efficlent ,comfortable s=afp nnd eeonomiea! adminJstration of ox.vge«, permittlng the big trans !P«rt plunes. partlcularly those traveliftg over the Rockj Mountaiu area t to move at aTtltudes from 15,000 to 20,000 feet, without danger to those aboard who might have a weak heart.

It is a type that leaves the moutb free, a deeided advantage wheu used by patieuts for prolouged periods. The iuask' allows the paUent to o!\t oud carry on couversu t!on t von whlle tiibiug oxygeu.

| Constnicted of rubber, Uie mask jflts over the uose aud is strapped |to rlie head to hold it iu plaee. ' I"*rom the mask exteud two hollow tuhes. running down ou eaeh side of the mouth and unitiug over the lower part of the ehin !nto a single tube th«it connects with the reservoir re-breathing bag that is in conuminlcation with tlie oxygen tank or par. Most lmportant feature of the exi>erinueut £n»m Dr. Gouid's obServa tiug was the fact that seasick passeugers «er« ahle to retaio food foliowinj» the treatmeut. "This is extremely importunt," he pointed <>ut f paiticuiariy on long voyages, for those $übjeet to seasickuess generttil.v iose cousiderable weiglit when titey are unable to ear. In all cases the disiy, sick feeuog disaf>l»eared foiiowing iahalation of the osygen."

Apparatus used by Pr. Boothby during the experimenrs remain on the iiuer and the work; wiii be eoa tiuued durjng subsequeut vojages by Dr. Goulden.