Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 52, 26 April 1939 — THANK YOU, ONE AND ALL [ARTICLE]

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The pu!)lishers of Ka Hoku 0 Hawaii wiah to take tlxis opportuuity of thauking all who »iade this 33rd auuiversary edition possihle, the firine and individuals who purchased advertising space, all those who contrihuted articles and photographs and tlie Hawaii Tourist Bureau for supplying most of the copy for the English section. We feel very grateful for this excellent co-operatioii» whieh encouruges us to greater effort iu the jTuture. A large uurnber of eōpie» of tlvis edition are heiug &eut to the Hawaiian exliibit at the Golden Gate Expositioii at Sau Francisco, for free distributiou, eo that the people of the mainland eau read the interesting stories seut by the tourist bureau. Widespread interest iu Hawaii aud an increased intere6t in all things Hawaiian have brought al»out the iieed for iuore inforniation regarding" this territory. The Star of Hawaii is doing its bit towards giving eome of tlie iuforn»ation deeired,but without the support of loeal people such would not be poaaihle. lt is for this loyal Bupport that we feel deeply grateful.