Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 52, 26 April 1939 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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, , ... .• . •- - . . . - ' - - __ ~j-W " CompHments I ■ ■■:.;, ■ ■ * THE FKST TRUST CO, LTD, OF HILO ---"WJ^V-^ LI '-' . u l - - ir'U-l —" 4-4W Pennit us to extend our sincere ALOHA To the Star of Hawaii on tbis birthclay occasion , DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION, LTD. 45 Piopio Sj. Phone 2340 Hilo We wish to extend our ALOHA - - ; To the Ilauaiian p< opte ana i >.mgratu!ating Jor I ihe pnttgress o/ (heir pa|H;r. Kn Hoku O Haimii. if e «re «is*> mkinp. fiW c<>mmunit\ to rtxosnia' twr r»>«» m«rfo\t {Ai an<l our Jsnc becr. Y. HATA & CO., Ltd, . f Fe«dfeflferai Street Hilo. ! GREETDNGS ! AND BEST WISHES j to thr Tea«le|K auii friend? of llie $Ujr of a.uvl 4 lo it£ |>u]>li!\beK for lheir cffwb in Kbilf uf lt>C H*- ,1 ■waiian |HS>ple. In hdpi»£ to pr**>er\r t!io ahoumil I an<J of Hji*» uli, th< SUt i> to | i % c takc thfo opportimh) of our ak&4 1 ami o«r s»iicriv <xHi£.rulu!atit>n> ou its s*t»l t | h»rthdlay : E. N. HOLMES, Ltd. | j Crocenes—Furnitune—Dq Cood> J \ Shoes aiwl Rea<Jj' to Wc€ir Mcii*s ' I RVuuiuciiue siUNt'i ' ~TW< t ilv . r f lEVERYBODY U)VES HAWAIIAN MUSIC | W« *** for cvajt!u«* m f mu«k-«! t n *trum«r rt s &i\ J th< f»i Huk [ WE WtSH T0 CONGRATULAIt ' KA HOKU 0 HAWAII . 1» ALOHA NUI , ; THE NOSES COMPANY , i uMtro> ' - ; ;; j