Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 52, 26 April 1939 — Legion Sponsors Unique Plan For Convention Cash [ARTICLE]

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Legion Sponsors Unique Plan For Convention Cash

' I"sottle eap* froin Ro.vml Tteor wīll ] ' pāy of Lpelom)airPS to thf! 1 nnmln! o«nvontl(vn Tn Chieas»o m>xt| Sfpteraber. ] Thls !s th(Vs>ubst;mre "f a unkine | campaTgnj Mnrr!i 1 hy .Tohn Tt. "fto\ve ■ rost r No. 17 (the Hnwaiian Post) ?n (M>ltn!iorntion witlv tlio Ainerioan BreWiha: f"ompany. Limited, HonoT«ln. brewers of Roy;il P>eor. The ?*ampafjrn 1s hetn? ptirtlcip;rt' v d in "h.v p»stf! nli orrr tho territory. Rsirly i*Pt .Tftiuiary. Oiamlo L. līo-bprt--L Arl3ntnnt of Post 17, am? Lo-i no MrOaUmn. Sērvico Offie»>r. de-| termiw<l to sen<l n sizea!»Te <JeTega-| tfnn of niiifti<inns. momhors from ihWF! ! 'T>ost. to the eiilenen conven-] were joine<l in thelr j plans hy Bert N. T!ennett, now ad- , vertisijig of tl*o Hawaii Lejrionnaire, the T.e{xioti's new ] Tuonttilj" publicatlon Jn ] JLlono3uiu. ] The trio eontut'tea <!. \V. (Seot- j i.v") Schyman of the Ainenean 11rew*«?ry, Ltd.. and out of riiis nieetins j*re\v a whieh i)r»>inisos to l>i-oviile for the needs <>f r«!st 17 and i'or ihe expenses of vielej;fites from olher posts. Un»ler this plan. wl.ieli heeame onor:uivi j on March 1 aml will eonīinue to Sept. lō, Lci:i'>n pnsts have j uri'i!!VLrc«l lor īiit* eolleeiion of hottle < froni Koyal lleei*. ami īhoy | \vi! 1 he redocnied for casli hy tho Auieric:tn Tlrewery :u ilie rate of oiie-tifth eetit per eap. ; A new style < ap. oi«h<nlyinfī a ! \ciiu\v hrtse wiīh red letteriHS of j iwonl '\Ko.viil". >ia« h<»eu i>ut iuto nse for purp<»s< i s of iho c:\uipaij;n , aml th<»se wlli be redeoniod by thej hre\very. |

As ongiuators umi sr>onsors tlie ciaiuijaigii, I'ost 1" wiU reiain: 75% kii' the proceed:; froni tlie, re- j det 3 ined bottle caps u> ai>ply to-; wardif the expens-s of :;enditig its| uiiiiiieul delej;ation lo t'!ucaso. Oth-1 or posts partidj:«iliiii; wili receive j of the redeiuptioii vaīue of the | < aps s>eut in, ea<*h post reeeiving iudivhii!Ki! mvlit for ilu- eaī>s senl h\ [ irs nAiue. Jt ts intein!ed thot all iwvsts wtU nsc the rmu! ? thus raised for Na tioiml PorLventiou imriiose,<. ■I'lmi* entnp«fj:ii is t\>.ei\iti4; tnton«ive iiidvortisinj; >ni)i«>ri ia !e«dinjl nows}'apors ot tiie territory and throoitfh radīo i>r*.!gran\s buīll ;»ro\md war liine exp«*rīenees of I,e- -■ k\on nmeinhei-.-. 1 Fuirth«>r <>f tl>e i»lan are in a {UtvetttsoraoiU | in lhis issnie of tlu> s>tar of Tlu\va!t. i Thē Hawaii l.<n;ī<>!malrt\ w!i!vh pa i i>er is servii\- as imw»? orgnu uf the eauiliuij;H. wi'.: i»uu'Us!i progrosss rep«.irts e«eh issni\ Also ad\ertise-t»u-ms are heiiu; run in all tea<!i!!£ newsi>apors- ef :' ; e territer.v.