Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 50, 12 ʻApelila 1939 — Coming Attractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions At Hilo Theaters
; palace theatre_ , l»t*r T|IK KHKK *>lh Tv*> x«i ; ! t«*. ss .♦ \ toimak* j I •»***mrnā?*mt \ K •' " » x n > V . i t (=45, M#S«vt ik*us< u *»4 ** SnwNWtr o«i| #%i\ uum uilv Uli» 1 > «<is< K«H.J. uw UīlHi. : I UM i s v %UtA3U «„i! »* "*. n-„, t i „-. 1
Tues<Uy Only . j "GUNG-i DIN" willi. Graut,; Vic McLaglen. EMPIKE THEATRE Today and Tomorrow "NANcr oipw. reporterwilh Bouiia Gianville aud Frank Thoma& Fri4ay and Saturday "DALAGANG SILANGAN" willi Rosa del Rosario aiui Leopolelo Salmlo, Sunday Oniy "S TRA N G B CASE OP DR. MEADK" with Jaek Holt iukl Beveiiy Roberts "WBST OP OHEiENNE' witta Ol»«ries Starrett. Only YOU OANT TAKK IT \VJTH YOU" with Jean Arthur, Jaa«?s Stuart. Lionel Barrymore. T«e«d»y Only
,s THiS WILL MAKE YOU WHIS TLR" With Jack Bnehanan. "TiTANS OP THB DEEP" wlth Dr. WiHiam Beebe. Otis Barton and l Jo«n jgoo.