Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 50, 12 April 1939 — PROCLAMATION [ARTICLE]
Ii }ippropriate that the attenlion' aud tho;i?ht of our people he <lirecte<ī frora timt to tiine to those thiogs about us to whioh we are so aceustomed hy lifelōrig hahtt that without siuoh emphasis. their value and usefulness might go unrecognize<J and appreciatJon for our dependenoe upon them rematn unexpressed. Aiuong t such are the animal?. Without them the -world woulil In<ieed he a far aifferent find haraer plfioe to Hve in. Prom the lowly oarthAvorm whieh aerates ftnd fertīli9EOS the soil, to the nohle horse \rhioh faithfully ass!sts tnnn !n h!s hihors and malīes possible hts sports, all are of inestiniahle beneflt and many of them are ahsolutely e"ssential to his uvelfare. eomfort anfl heaUh.
Our food, our olothlng, tlie seruins developed hy scīence to ward off diseaso, are in respeotahle measure derived in recognlzable waj'S froui these servants of ours.
It is weU, th«refore, *to set asffle a tin»e wheii we should pause and exteml these useful and faithful boings a thoußht, to aeootd them that n>easure of consideration whieh is their due, to refleot upou the baseness of any emel abuse of them. «nd in wmmon justlce to pav theni. as their debt from us, tlie humane treatoient required of ratioqal and ieasoniag man.
Wherefore, and in token of tlie foregoi»g, I, Joseph R, Poindextor, <?overnor of Hawaii, do hereby proelahn the week of Apr!l 17-23 as Humane Week, and Aprtl 2?? as Humane Sunday.
TN WITNEvSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set niy hand and eaused the Great Seai of the Terrltorj' of Hawaii to be afrixed.~ DONE at lolani Falace, 3rd day of April, in theyear of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-nine. (SEAL) (Signed) JOSF»»H B. HOINI>KXTER liy the Oovernor: (Sianed)"" ŌFĪAS. M. HTTE, Becretary of Hawuii.