Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 49, 5 April 1939 — Judge Clamps Down On "Chain Letters" [ARTICLE]
Judge Clamps Down On "Chain Letters"
Warnlng that "ohain letters" axe postal I.nws wass mn«!e Sa|*WNto3 r hy Ju<!jre Wood. U.S pos( IOAW insi»<»<'tor of Honolula. in l view ot wlmt he teraied an ephle mie of «ueh letter&
"ihe t»gpn is ftoot)ed wlth 3et{er» orlgiftiiting locully whlel) tlir.»»«fii befon» mui(kiwii |»r«etic»Uy if tl>e is limken." Jude»' \V<khl Mid.
m also saht that if tbe ehaln »!•» n«f st«p !hf f*»dpni! gnv«rtii)MUit »IH «rrlo« ag»ln«i tbe th«t wrli« th«H» iiiHioiulu ls ttot ihe onlv plN<% iMikl «s tri»ubiwi wlih thU uui»ui*<v. iim< i«wn)it* liavt> Ihm'u iw*>ivius ti««* mm* kmu or tra«sh antU u 4m« Imhiwhp ahuos| m It I» tlm« thl* ««» ' Imi. Ail «u<4t l«Htfrs m)i<iul«l Im> t«r« pti <»v*r to iti«* rK«stm»ster.