Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 47, 22 March 1939 — Koko Nuts [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Koko Nuts

k , the snake question j !St. PaU'iek drove the suakes from j , i Ireland, . .., ■ : At least so it is said, , i;ut tlieres' no way to prove it i'or old St. Pat is dead. I»ut tliis iM what wo'il llke to know . SoineUme befoiv we die—Vvlu> vvus the saintly person ■ Tbat drove theut fi'om Ftawaii? li)30 S:nūle: oasy to get as an*aupropi'iation frotn the Leglslature. i THE OEVIL YOU SAY

This is how ihe ineomo tax eoilector lofkks to the average man wlien he makes out liis tax returus.

Shed a salt tear For tenderfoot Bert; In a hot poker game I He iost his last shirt. r>on't tip off County Altorney Martin Pem-e al>out this. It is reportted the Parker Rancli lamhs seen gamholing on tlie green. A Hilo shoe store is taking in c«d shoes on new ones. We may «xpect to see an advert!semerit any day now that wiil offer for sal« "Quaranteed Usfid Shoes At Barga(« Prlce«."

H¥MN OF HATE i Jazz radio programs Make us boil, Aiud peaee of mind They sure do spoil ; There's no escapiug This turmoH — ■Siwirig bands should ali Be boiled in oil. Short Wave Radio Will Be Fer roanent. —Newspaper headtine. No radio is permanent untH after th« !act insta!!ment hai t—n paid. I bull-et»n Hilo the Sunny City. A tw we twrte is i»ervy Sands ; He tatks too mueh Ami waves his hands.

Ewa plantation r»ports a "*t t>ttofit for 1938. Oth«r p!antations r«port a "r>ot" profit for the sa«ne y«ar. SOURPUSS SAM SAYS:

UttiUt> tU> Ut'W 1*0« iu*s v4u»4M*r ilrt' "ilouolulu ClU»p»?r" ihtti iiaU lK*il«?r a rabbit's f«ot 4*» WiUl u." On the vast Kaw 4«®«rt tn a (litch i* <i9* Auld; Oa 1 curv« his car Mi» tir«« w»r« too bn!& wher? l tm&« • SBom?i «iiil th*» tßv>s he ripp»\l f>b ru*ry ir*H« th<o 1t» Fable; Thtr« Oft«t WU * •MtNwritM»r who w«« |t»«ro«#Wy ftktt«f|«4 *oWt hi» t««4l n«w»p* \ HOOT t MON) t»ur fr\m4 n\w. It«m«kut sajcs; "WU*Hi )*• g«v h«me at »!d»t ti\m» a a«d a» tf r*r drwmlu m* r» w» tv* **)S i« ftrsm| Q* >wr 0» teira wmti i%* ttfefr wwm'* aai 1^«." t* tKn M» u nn K#i t*9W* tlt» l«tl« K«*t. H«r tk4i« |f«»§st!|t An« «H« f«t «I twr Mlw.


r ""Lttt)e StrenmTtncs, ■n'ho ls workīng kt fhe legislature, snys she oan'i g<?t used tō * s'ueh sho>t. hours'ana j-nol» hTg pny. ' ''• •"

Qu«en Exp«cting V!sit From Stoc\<;,—HeadUne in Hilo Sunday . pa?«r. Probably the king owns » ranch.

Me P. Y. Chong, forvuer proprīe- ; tor of Waikiki I-au Yee Oliai, will now have to pny alimony to his elivoreed wii'e. Slie took hiui to the 1 cleaners hut he will get ?500 a uiouth for managing the restaurant. 3fhe'>Alimojay M p&yments are $500 a moAUi, whieh would inv!ioate that the ex-Mrs. Chong lias allee samee got allee money ulready. Flifty eent, tlifty dolia allee samee!

Frank J. Vlerra wants to take the Royal Hawaiian band to the S ,F. fair. Perhaps he just wants to show Lena Machado how wef! the band ?s gettlng afong wlthout her.

ASTROLOGiCAL FORECAST j Tywaros Uio ond of Maroh people j wlll have more time for re!axation | and serious thought ' Sure. tlie oar liwnse will he i>aid nn<l the ineome tas co!leetor satlsfied. HEARTBREAK March has no ho!iday prlnt- | «rs. " 1 AU join hands and sing that good olil lri.sh song, "Mother Macree.** r Wo*ll Jaok OTrieu to !ead the ! ssu&iii£, aud everyhody with a bit .of Irifch f-ho\ild he ai O' the Greea v thts very I dHy, begorrah, for *tis

Heire^s; A feuiale \vbo has suc- ] ewded to mjuTs estate. ]