Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 46, 15 Malaki 1939 — NEWS FROM EVERYWHERE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


ihe To recii)ieiii s of <.liplonntx ;iiid dogroys rrom tlie Uuivt*raity of Hawaii at the eiul of 1935-39 39 seiuester \vere four Kauui studeuts. CoQstuu<_ie Cliin,g of Kapaa, Sliizue liismino of Wainiea, and Mirsilko Mnraok{> uf l.ilme. wero sramed tlu> K(l.B. <loffroo in eieiuentary ediieatiot). The degreos and diploqias will bo awardod at tho annual eoiuinonoomoiU. Juue 20.

Gt>orge W. Morris, \vho bas been muuuijvr of the Kuuui XoleplLone Sj>teni fOL- Uie ten year*>, beeu. appoiuted superinteudeut of construclion ou the Island of Oaliu by ilie Mutuiil Tolephone Co.

Taro lwaiia of Waiuiea'liae been awarded the <ontract for tlie eoustruvtion of ilie new Naganunn\ Theuter ou Kauai. It will he.looaied ou the lot uext to the Liliue Kav\akauii store and will.seat approximately 700 people.

i Alaui t:ouuty poliee seized 28 cars iu two clays ktst week for iion-pay-j aieiu ol' lDol> iu'ease plaies. 0f the 26 eighteen i>aid iimueditUely. The rvuiui»tler \vere impounded until tlieir owners pay. JViore ihim 3,000 people, iuclutlittg heiween 20U aml 3(X' people from otlier isluu<J.s, helped tlie Frieu<lly lsiaud ot" Molokai to pai*ticipute in u two du.v dedieation. ceremony for lw»r hueaii sign of eivic growth, the dedlcation of her hi';»ud i)ew $20,000 ! Naiional eaani anuory, at Kammj kakui last weeli, Ihe largest govenunent buildlng yet <onstrueted ou that ishind.

A i«*tUioii, wirli 328 sLgnatures, has bwn prest>nted to th« Maui Coutity boanl of supen - asfeiug tlie bOiinl (o reconsi(ier its acceptnnee of t!te resigmition of Bandniaster "Red" Hawk. Tlie baiuJmaster resisned lnrgel.v becuuse of a disagreenjent with Frank restano, haiul nianuger, wliu claims llawk ?nvo ont bfuirt in.slrunioiits iluU can"t be found. "I can't flud the »!!•:!>=« al ia the pieeolo in Pa Vestano told the bo:ird, M and I wnul»! )ike to li;> vc Mr. Ilawk iu my :nul *:<y vvh:it l did him <>r where d?d I hitt'rfe}v wiUi liim. T hmik Jils mv'k" The hoard ylaced ?!io pet?tJon "on file."

NALAIELUA RECOVERING Henry Nalaielua, of Nsuok\ has <'onflned to li!s for sev pral dnvs \vlth thc flu !uit īs nourly hf»<worfcl ntkī will ho haok to \vork soon.

REP. AKO ILL IN KONA l*ep. .!;tmes Ako, who arrived i'nnn the leg!slature Saturday, >vas takeu ill at his honie al Kallua, Koii!i. n«d un:ih!e to return to IIon«'!ulu. lle ?s repv»rt»M as luUeh betler.

BAND CONC£RT Tlt»* U:nviili baud, uu<ler ■ 1 : u.i ii-:«I w; 1 ,! a «•oiu-eri at the il«.»oheau park fvivflS«M> !«Mri(.rr«nv oveti!ng at 7:^o.