Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 46, 15 Malaki 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Wh\ i> it that when you have to Imn i i,, a \vithout oating yOur Uiiii'.oi llH'\ ahvays have to sho\v -,i'i.,- w'ih iu'oj)lo eating in.it? .\l:i\ >o ii is .iusi a coinfidence. Hitler wants the Germans to quīt srr.oking. Well. if they do they won.'t look like Germans. < ivit on ihe desert Sit - poor I'atriok Doyly ; ■110 has lots.of gas li.n t'orirot to get oil. ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST The stock markets will be very active, prices will be near tops and the usual boiling, churnlng, characteristics of a high pressure buil market will prevaii. And, as usual, the lambs Wltl be shorn again. SHE ISN'T SO BIG, EiTHER
I.ittle istreaniluies says soiue of those busses on the Ilamakua ruu are so large that her Aūotin looks !ike ;j ilea trying to eatch up with a dog. SAD STORY Poor ehap, he lost his hard earndough in a game that's p!ayed with dice, And so for Week's he'll eat no steaks— He'l} have to Hye on rice. There's so»)ething Hilssing at the board of superVisors' pieetings. Oh, we know. Ifs Toto Cunninglmm's s k 1 rr ge. BULL.ET|N When i oougm my Bweep«take ticket 1 never expeeted to win anything, anyhow.'' Sweep out-a cool_eeU i-'oi - re« kles;s Joe Kirk; ile sniashed through a sign l.;ihel)ed "Men At Work," 193t Simile: As lacking in sympathy as 'an ineome ta* eoliector. rerliaps ii won'i be neeessary to i»«Md « jM>tjnd in Hilo after all, M«»t of the sn-a> dogs will soonbe' dead of old nge, After '.he experienc«* «ome ot ! thoee Kamehameha avenue mer- s chants had wjth water ruinlnfi ! stocks in their cellar« !att week | they ought to th*»d it advafttag«- j ous to stock their cellar* wlth j gold fish hereafter. j SOURPUSS SAM SAYS; !
"'! ho i>ni,v «ri Ui upiuuil lK're \vhy im<kos »ion< y iils brujsli is Hlll ilii' LU)otblACk," Sinfllng in the bathtub Was lot« of fun for Lou Until thc dope slipped qn thc §o«p Ancf broke hn»itelf in two. N» si*at iii hits pai>ts 1 !:i s r.n!('lM>r lio,x Fogi;, 'i'ln' nui' 1 i» ihr \V«n \\<n\ by the Stand Up an«f Fight v*ith Bob T«y<or—New*pap*r h#*dUnc, Awi, who w«i>tt lo Rflht fcuch 11 nk« looking young maf>* Tlu j of ns»- hftM wou!»! »ttkv ,-i, milU» hat<> b!t oWn foiMltr. IW9 rrtk, lb«« .onc* v*** « S»Sl»lator *ho tht (iwion with<vt & ] wt«k tmS vi*Sl hom* j
A girl we hate 1« Nellie Blain ; She alwavs ?ays. "I love the rain". Japan will have ratskin shoes. —News item. And we know a wtiere Japan ean get all the rats she needs, for nothing. eOLONIAU DAYS REVERSED The Kona people believe iu representati<m \vithout taxation. Locey Slated for Farm Job.— Newspaper headline. We didn't even know he was out of wo.'k. after the luau lle stooil ou the bridge at nūdniglu, (Tlie uew one designed by iiill eliun), 'l'wo moou» rose over the h{irbor Wheu there reaily was only one. AT A HILO RY. STATION
Ticket Agent—"Yoar train is the 8:10." Hamakua Scotchman —"Make «t 7:55 and l'M take it."
Wattda Waffleiron lias so many dates to go swlfmimug at Cocoxiut isl&nd that slie lias a long wading list.
L!FE'S darkest moment When you go to the bank to casTi your paych«k and you walk out and leave your umb~elia behind f and a haif hour later you that the bank has ctosed fer the day.
Auother needed ioventiun is a gadget that wili autoniatieally tell newsboys that you have aiready bought a paper. Garage mcti will soon be in tKe money aflain. The annual brake testir>g campaign is about to «art Aud so this is THE KND