Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 45, 8 Malaki 1939 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


NOT»CE to cred»tors Estat« of Philip A, Victor, Deceased. All iTAiliTt»rs ol" niilip A. Vicior, ! dweaseil. are hereby not!fied to pre-. I theīr claims with pr\ijH>r voiu*li- i I «rs or dnly authenticatefl wpie? ; tbereof, even the elalm or rf.uras j aw» sernre<l bv on reat property. to tTie un<Vrs]£»eiJ at otßee fn the Bum<« PiiUtsins, HHo, Hawal!. w!tliin fonr nu>ntīis from ttie dnto of fln> first p«Mloattoii of thts notW or the.v wHI he forcver hawM*. , W H. ttFKR< A«*wtnsstrator \r!tli wiU at*nexe<t. estste of PhTlsj> A. Vie»or, Mar<*h 8. 15. 2* s^—l«^.