Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 44, 1 March 1939 — Waiakea Theater [ARTICLE]

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Waiakea Theater

Tu«aday, W«dnesday—Doubie BiH MK, BOGGS STKPS OUT— Stuart £rwin JDYNAMITK DKLANEY — WelUou Heyburn JS«WS . . .■* ; Thursday, Fr!day—Double'"Bilt WRSTBOUND LIMITED — Lyl« Talbot «UN KANGER—Boh Steele iSJmUows of the Eagles No, tl o&'ri- , daj-) News Baturday Only ABRAHAM LINOOLN — Walter Huston | Selected Shorts Shadow? of t*he Efcglfcs No. 6 News j Sunday, Monday—Double Btl! OLD RARN DANCK--Gene Autrj|THK LOST .IFNGLE—C1 ydo BeatI ty ' " ■ r L<m? Ranger No. 6 ' News Tuesday, Wednesday—-Doubfe BUf MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD~ , C3«ude Balns RECKLESS WAY—AII Star Cast News

CROWOEO OUT j Oa account of the extra large voiumo of legal adwrtising th!s week Ku Hokxi O Hawaii ls obliged to leave oot consM*rable tie\vs, as. weli as the Koko Nuts eolnmn anrt the lesson in Hawaiian. We are sorry to disai>poiut our readers bat it ju?t cant l>e he'peei We will try to make up for it nest week.