Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 43, 22 Pepeluali 1939 — News From Everywhere [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

News From Everywhere

.1 .. «KI VULj, ~uu vVVUiUU't ■ ii'-i . Wiu J.c ± ~. M-mcu L>y V ivOiia iti>u -iu lue Alulia hiliJUh;l ,«Uiu V , Uuie lU 'i-'iie \\yUl iUlUuuu <<j j.iji j.iev. Waiker will " lUi', Jtiau_uii.iu i.Juura ui Alī»-■->«.>us>i ui iuc «uu. ( i moiuU, ue A.iiiimy tu uu by l>r. .jvuu[ t«rauiuu, secretui*y. xuc i\M\. i>. i>e»iui, Jr„ pufci.yr 01 iiaili eiiiiieli, lii <vj, iv hi ius iuuee ul kouu, | , - . . « uuuiuuuaiiou for eveo'-, vu« ov«*; moutlis Qi(l wili be. iieid ut tli« ihLuiiua jsdtvul« ii.oua, , eh 0, 13 auU 2i), startitu{ at 8:0U £kyiuour uud ilrs. MaiassisteU .J»y iir. iUcMrdsuU 0f iu« OyurU W iiealtii, wiii be present. Ait»s <ieral«iiue Spreckles, sugar Ueires«s, is wuiiueU lo a Hollywood Husiūiai witli serious burus receiveu Saturdm wlieu a cigarette set i»re 10 ūer negiig«H.> while she was readiu& a book. c*e?i. 4au Sirovy, wur iuiuister of CzecJ|»osiovakla, resigued. Gen. Sji o\ y tvus prexuier Uui'iug tlie tense of the crisis whieli precedecl tlie Muuieh confereuce last Sep. ieiuber. His resigmitiou has eause«i uo surprise iu <lī|)to!iiatic <juariers because of lliē'kuowu hostility of Herlin to tbv C»cch wur hero. ! .i'>liu IludK>ti.k i , uf Kohala, is j ih»\v employed ut flie tegislature ,In ! ihe seuut(> buildiug. | Swreti»ry of tlie Trea?ury Henry i M«rguutJiau, Jr„ made public on | i!onda.y st<itistics showiiii; an IL3 i per ceut iucrease in total net in--4 eouie as reported iu 19;i7 tax rej uirns as couipared with earuings j recorded in 1936. (' : - ] Italv's miiitar.v preparntions iu j North Afri,cu have heeu j;iveu fur{ther emphasis l»y the auuouneej meut that the llaUau ctilef of i .Ma rsitiili liailopUo, is on his way 10 I Tri|K)li. The marshail's misslon ta t l.>l>ya Jias rw>t heeu dis<*losed bnt ii is s)ss«med that he has gone to ius|KH>t tl»e troops whieh Premier Muss4l»ni hiis heeh pourlns lnto sinee the fascist demand for Fiviuh territoriaī <"»»nce?sions was I flrst made. | l I- The striko i>f \vorkors of the Los ] "Aiipeies piant of tlie B. F. Goodrich I Kuhhtir 00. vas settled on Motalay.' I The plaiu will \»e reopeue<l nestj |'S!onda.v nmrnlng. j ī .lohn .1. lVrshlng, JluJ. Geu.j | .laiiii .1. īl!irb<»rd aiid foruier vlce; [ i>:v<ith>nt Charlos O. T>awes held | the!r laununl reunlon Motlday at Tu\ sou. Ar)xona, d«scrlbed as H just j oh! frleuds nu>etUig." Tershiui: I ihe Amenean Espedītto»ar.v forct: iu France dutiac the WorM War and Hūrbord was cliief l.eonunl •lleii" Ikiwk, baud- ••'•••<<'* of {he ilaui tX»uuty Uau4. '-a- -<ut iii hi> rv4i:uati«ui to t&e !». ! . r-4 rv to take Hawk «u tU« -- *-i \\-.-> «iUfc the| VA - . V ! U' Fn.uk Peau&a. *\.(» maniu* ilk' hai«d aud that u» re*potuUbUi ~v AMlhM<»*w»ti he wani» to «o to ihe (iui4nlaud to t*ke aa\an<«a sta | uie.v Ui Thv iwMlnMnei-*» «a--i i«r> iK 4fiS<) * aumlk. Aruiur frm **r «>f o«» J|*iiawao ttum <*» Maui. tn tl«tMaulu. Pflda>. Ue f*»un*4 frMet pe *.<« >1. imnumii iu kr ** <iU*f <tf iMUm Ji* r*HU*vi ef jw»Mr H»' * h» fcl* <W. a d4UKhter and « *m iv. frvMn ttw rahr«v*u**4* |km« wHI iU tA*S \im K«la iiaai» *m 3**tvfe i, H **« «» <<*«».* b& Dt. ti & t|* N«n«i<tiiruktu 11« <9f h.HihH** Wtl 4t IAiIMIiML v -»**. ** <**m inj s i n «r m* fcl 2 *'*<-•? £fe3«*>* h«W*kfnK «rf| ī* * w«#«r fc, 11 ■ ■