Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 43, 22 Pepeluali 1939 — CANADA PLANS HIGHWAY FROM U.S. TO ALASKA [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


OTTAWA, Canada—Aa Uie &ibi| steij iii & jOiiu CauadiaiivUat:itaii i i>i ogiam, uua coiaiuy īā j planniug to provide tlie Lxuied States with a direct ughi 01 \vay lo j , Alaaka whieh ruight prove oi iueul : eulahle beneiit in moviu« tioops 10: that territoo'. | The Canadian goveiuuiv;ut diii j «Iom« thnt it is cousidtring struction of a hJghway trem thv liorthern boundry of !ho l'muui States. through (\>luinbia' f WKi the Vukon to A!aska wiiii iiie iu»plied understandm« that the route would be throwu opeii io Ame. rle»n torces in case of eiuergeucy. . Preliminary estimates plaee" the j cost of such a road at $15,000,00u, | but informed offīcials say the liual i eost wili be uearly |100,0ū0,ct00. TUe j road probabiy will be coustrueied jas au unemployment relief aueasure. j j ihe l>ominion and the Britisii Uov-1 j erameut sharing the cosi. ( I Ii u» iudicated that Canada is uu- j j deriajung the project iu returu ioi j , assurauc6s liial ihe L uited JSuue.; j jna>> wiil heip deieud ihe Canaduiuj jcoa»t iu case this couutrjr is aiuiek ! K I j Sojue poUUeal abser\ers heie eu j j UeUe the pi oposal lo &ive i j miliuo' fuices u iigiil-or i • through Cauada, £earius lliai j ! a poljcy may adversoly affet t Caua j da's ueuuality in case oi war. I Others, however» deciate ihai au> forei£n power whieh plaiiuey lo Uek the T?mted States i>ix)ba!>l\ »ould ij;uore Canadian Uvairalit\ m case. aud would Uvsiu;o io sovado l!ns countrj. lu \:c\\ u£ ū.„>. J they couu ud. Cau«da h.tt- | U» lo*e, &nd possib!\ nsuvU \v> mūu ■b> onti !ii>u inie » :s I K'Uviuv w iiU Uvri fev)uiUviu ih Tlu: L»vkl«.H'd t.vil liMi'UHUk. e.a., lia.'i uuiipuin-vd p.nu> fyr & v>t «t miliii'u dui!|it jtiam e\ j |ii4Ufdoii m MlUel Ut »4*l**44 U|j «ir |diua« |*rvHiuvu«u iv> sMi \>nivi ». huiii ifur«»lgn *nd dt»mesth\