Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 42, 15 February 1939 — SEN. HILL GETS IMPORTANT POST [ARTICLE]
lioih houses of tlie territorial lejrislalure avHl be eallea to order at 10:0» a.m. this morning. Oa Tuesday Hep. Soy A. Vitou, sek ffas re-elected s speafcer hy n vote of 21 to C, sit tlie canctis. The soaato wiil lio openeel l\v Sen. .lanu s of Hawaii, who wilī then turn the gavel over to Senator <Tt'<u*ge 1\ Oooke, of Molokai, who was eleeted president at the
Kepnhliean eaucus on Taesday. Uep. V. A. Carv»Ulio, of Hawaii, will eall the liouse to order. Kloction of Seuarnr W. H. Hill, of Hawaii, as ehainnan of the ways and nieans (onnnittee marked the end of a tense strugglē for ttiis importaht post Hill bēgaa eampaigiring for ihe post immedlately after eleetiot».
I'oi»piy wili uever l>e right iu thcir oc-onoiuics until they are right iu their hearts. *