Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 42, 15 Pepeluali 1939 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ka Hoku o Hawaii

The Star Of Hawaii

Aliiaala a { frinted ln w»4 ljawaiian) /


HILO, HAWAH, T. H., PO4KOLU» PEP£LI : \Ū"ls,7^-

<fr No. 42

The Star of Hawaii is published in the interests of the Hawaiian people with a view to promoting I good\vill and pr«'Servjug tlie language and traditions of the Hawaiian people.


— » v» * v * » h * ' PMiakeā Dedicßted to ihe Hawaiian PeopU

HILO, HAWAH, T. H„ WEDNESDAY, FIRBRUARY 15.1939 ''-* t , "

' — • . . ?.. ■ Thi« soc"fion of Ka Ho"ku o īīawaii N pifnteaf" in the English languape for fhe benefst of tbe younger maxiy oi' wbom do not read ihe ]anguage of Iheir l"oi efathers. and our Cauca- ■ gi«ns\il«crthers. '

B. BtXON. Editor