Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 41, 8 February 1939 — Famous Filipino Band To Give A Concert In Honolulu [ARTICLE]
Famous Filipino Band To Give A Concert In Honolulu
It i* itnti(*ipated that sj cro\vd <>f will liear the conoert ot the KiUpiiui niilinnw lianil, formerl,v kiiuwu as ilie I'i]ii»iiio Coustttbulai,v leinil. at Uu' Tloiu>l«lu Civi<> au , FrKluj. Fvli. 10, :it 7 ;00 ( iun.. iim.»rtl.iii}i to Ho»rj- Njo, i»iv . sidput of ilu> Ilonolulu T,lons eluh. īmorn:<tionallj- known. tUe 125 piet* band ls en rimte to New YorV to i'»l;ij" at ihe \vorhi's fair.A voml>liniontar.v ('onoon will l>e }iiven iu \Vashin.a:ton for President Roose i v»>lt lx-foro tlie exposition en?agē īiu'ni. Later the haud will go ro San Fram-isro to appeār ou llu» j nolden <'a!i' expo-iiHon im.imuii. ! I Tho ,eroup wiil arrivt> on tlie Fre- | ! sident rier«'e Februarv 10. : i The <nmcert is l»eiu£ spon-
Mired Uj ihe llwnolulu I.ions elul). aiui iln» i>rt»veeds will eo into llie ilul»"s aHivit,v fund wiiioli U usev. t'wr ihe < aro «f ti»e hllud. Lt. Col. Walter H. Lovin« is eonliiieioi- ut tl»o lmnd. He \vus retired in U»2«» after servinK 20 yeurs as diivctor of the organizat!on, hut was recaHed t\vo voars fr«»m his <Uikiaiui, Oiil. re.*idt'nee to direct jueparatiou»; fur the hHiul':; appearances iu tl»e Fnited States. Wlien he visited llawaii eii route to ihe rhiliiij»iiies, Mr, Nye said, iu' proiiu.svd iluu the huud wou)d j yive Uo\. roimiekter a oonipiiuieu-j uu v > «»iu eri. Later, )iowever, Pre-; (>iū<-ni Maiiuoi L. Quezou proniised i I*resident K«>oseve3t that the Washi coiit:vrt would W ihe ouly •t»mplimeutarj' appcaratiee of thc | iiaiui, uiul urr:uijiomeMts fur the l>e [ ut*flt performuntf \vere oisde. I Mt'Utl»crb oi' iho mmiH' iut lude j |uvo ii.;t'ni.tiuiuuU.v ki.uwi |
j tiute, aud Jyau Itetlzii, Freuoh lioni, aitd a w&l I lviiu\vn vt»ealist, Prou L»'urdes C. j (lo Re2ou. Mr. Nye said the band is known the worid over a?id has yurti&lpated :āt many impoitant eventa īu īlio last four deca<les. Siiico 1904. he said, the baud played at the world's fair in St. Louis. the inusloians have not mi§sed a \yqrld's fair. In 1900 t\>e band ylayed at the inaii£ruration of Prosident Taft, who previously lm<i served as gov ernor isreoeral o£ the Philipphies.