Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 41, 8 February 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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If the tmil) liiiown. the OlUiiē<e uri» n<i\v pi'oh;ibly sorry tl»?V ■-t»vt»r nr,, n:! 11 ' £iinpuwdfv We'd like to bet that the fellow we saw coming out of the Kress store yesterd«;' Was a Scotchman from Hamakua —he was carry!ng only one package. <Ui tho vast Kau ,tlesort ■ Sit-< i»ixir lii>lmnie l'laol;: lk' lius u spave tirt' Knt !h j has im jacl\. The best sounding soup ean be purchased at Japanese nood!e houses. A "MOOSE-ICAL" FAMIUY Oon. onl I.od.ire No. 404. of Cont?ortl. Noi'ili Oarolin;i. Luyal Ouloi of Moost', lifts elofto<i rlie officers: _ T'asf iii<T,itnr. .1. t".. Sr.. diotator. I»o\voy W. Moose; neo dic i tator k 1». ; ptel«\tc, Frauk H. : s« cr«n;iry. Tl)oui'ln L. Moose; trt*astnor. ,T. O. Mt»ose Jr.: on?ēr ffuart:l llarry B Moo>e, innei' guard. Lt?ster C. Moose, antl trustet\ Wyutt M«»ose an«l Frauk R .-Moo.se. - - IT'S DOGGONE TOUGH ]

Poor little doggie, just running around No plaee to send you, no home, no pound. The pound wUI be built some far off day— Maybe 10 years from now when you're old ānd grey. ASTROLOG)CAL FORECAST An even uni:liM-iurretu |)r€>Yails. witli Indie«u<ms «»r anl i!ir<ni«h sro-; Y*mujkmU eluiniK'lw. : old WPA. 1 NEWSF>APER HEADLINES OF THE WEEK Hubby's Sutt Up Jn Smoke. ' Must li;tvc <014- n| fol-! lows wh" '> s«h\. * - |.>unins hl«! lialiīwl |hih* i!s 3u- <i.n |i>x.bet. Angler Catches Good Ftsh Story (Mnld:i*i li.iM- .Tult>s C.m-al-h<- llil« -j «iM- i.in. l.as! lii.i" lu w«'in fis]!iric ln' ilMn"! «*von l>rin;r ba«-k » tft'nd | Astaire Reaches Top Fe€t First , Ah' 11«'V IHV!I <loī»"jr <mlr Poileeman D»es of Hcart, Attack. ' k -. » > i i ' _i\ i'ii him ' MasStoifs iii Union $uit. ; Uttl«' in'opli- ' iii i .< u ai..|< i • u . i LIMMER-LICK | A Spamsh soldier c,3n»ed Franco ! Had pesetas gaīoi« in the banko, j So he started a »jr j But we aen'i Krtow wnai foi-— j And that makct> tlus um'-neK ameil rankts lSi:«l .hllKLlll Kl'ltlnu H I li«*i k < :!H|ird iii t3i(. rt>uu|,\ SOU«PUSS SAM SAY&

*'TherVs nothi<\9 i«ke 4 nle« [ mOOn!»Q»'T ri,«il<t tv * reiuctant *o si.ni' ,u home." i W . ' K,- ..i ■ Vmv\ \. . ' Kl-1 - iu ,\ii, i ;»j j «•»« Hll «»V-« iif '..m .T.,i ,1 iiiU!» <nh ;t .>*. i■ '.iMi'. . t, i j tt»»«t S U<\\ w\ i liOUi | Ar\4 w«'t| j.d»i thc .»« ( t#f t#»ji on« or> tc J'tr, MacKc<i<ic, otB* Scct<h. frītnd» T)h«* Wo&d tfansfu*K>fiiii w»t'« I*K«H» r T «*ve * life 41 ā ho#pltal A ikolih «1*« offe>'«d htt luivut<j th« f}4it tr»t QA\t h>n- i'O ?. ■ Ui? fctn tf<t tH» *e(ond jj»ni t»ut th« thi««l mu -v, ! :

I Scotch b!ood in him that he only | thanked him. WE WOULDN'T BE SURPRISED i

\Y;iiula \V;»ft'loiron liil hoi- oraz.\ ! lnnu' tln< ;<n«l now she ! .-irlio< iill o\or. s I A girl we hate ! Is Flossie Stover: j She com?s to the show | When *'r nearly over. ] KaMo: Thoro is a man in it-i< inwn who knuw> whnt ,his sot -1:1! <0; urity nuuihoi' is. Kamehameha avenue \Vas so crowdea with people last Saturday there wasn't room enough j for the kids to practice Hi-Li. i T\vo ltalian \viirstii|.s will \Nli ! llawaii 110M M(»in!» f»>r ihe daj". i \\V hope Hon»»lnhi r»'sl:iunnits [ hare pletity of spashettl on hainl. | SWEET 0F HER, WASN'T IT?

Little StreamUnes, Ihe office vampire, has a heart of aold. When a Kaniehameha avenue bum asked her th« oth«r day for something for a eup of coffee, she gave him a lump of sugar. lrt»huid is t«» Hav« nir nuO sirens. Wt» would like to niake tho a |»rest'iu of the sireu ilial U("H aH'ii uii o{ v1h v Hi!o sn>ii. ».• >iiiiion. | Radio enterta»r>ers are threatening to strike for higher wages. That wou!d iie weleome news if lt inciudes a!i the crooners—artd we hope it is never settted. BULL-ETIN "I - L'ni'l iti,v O»ii>loy<'s «wii'o dj! jr.<irniius." i Those lrishmen who have been j throwing bcmbs around England j

lateiy seem to be able to hit the mark every time. Wel), they ought to be pretty expert after thix»wing bricks at eaeh other for centunes. .. ' .... ■

i lVti< :ire n«»w heinsr ii}.,de out of i *'«»<■ the tliing for oul maids. Tliey \von"t liave to lt)ok a\»der the h«'d ni»\v to see If tiiere is a mari 11iere, And now to the stationers to buy a one-cent valentine.