Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 40, 1 Pepeluali 1939 — Waiakea Social Settlement Will Open Sat. Night [ARTICLE]
Waiakea Social Settlement Will Open Sat. Night
Tlte liuisiiing touohes are belng put on the two new bulldings of the Waiakea Social Settlement loeated on the of Kamehameha Ave. and These lārget possible an espansioj> of the servi'ios to the wholf of Uie neighborhood. "It's the plaoe of the people," said a scout, referriug to tlie Settlement. The little tots of the kindergarten their &paoinu«i rooms very mneh to thelr līkiiip. The young peopleK' groups nre pnrt of the gro \ving program of the Settlement and are keepinp abreast by the enlargement of tlieir i»rograms>. I'he new faeHities are makina: actlt«vitte« whieh heretofore were closed to them. , A complete stage witl"i make-up rooms will permit all sort; of performanoes for story actin{ to Uig time plays not to mention
commwiity mmsngs nl! kinds. Tj»e standard siee gynmasi«m and showors will offer athletic faclllties for boys' an<.l j» Srls ' £roups with u THriety of sj>nrts from »iasketball r«> : sh[affl«>l)oard and gam<?s. The npw elinie aiui mwtins iwms will makp pos«ibl*> the improved services of oooperating ag- [ enoies <tf the Board < f Health, relisious educatfon, thf rniverslty Kxtension Bnrea». P:ih\ Conference Boy Scouts and Oirls Scouts and HiJo Recreation Committee. Whlle tliere were no h«ildinss the various groups found fncitlties ln tlie Waiakeakai Scliool, Japanes? ScUool a»d various liomes to oarry on tl»eir activities. , On Satnrdrty. Fehrnary 4tV, there | will l>e the forma! of the | new buildings. The prograiu wili j open witli a Kiiidergarten imreuts , reception at 10 A.M., Mrs. Hartley in cliarge. At 4 P.M. tlie formal program wlll he held iu the «ymnasiuui with the Boy aud Glri Scouts taking a leadinj; part and tlie (\K>iM?ration of the liueruiedi«te Sk>hool Band whlle in the eve Miu* i9tartiug at 7 o'oloek, tlie Coua|ty Bwmi wiii give a eoneert prej l Uh' iN>mniuni!.\ reception, j l)[<nxrai» nnd diiuce at S o'eloek. J I i j>ui)lic is invited to visit the) : iu'w h«ildinjrs ;u«l attend the vari- ) ous jm>sra»Us. i ) , ,:;J