Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 40, 1 February 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Honohilu syuipiiony orchestra | brought a famous Euglish compo?er I all the way from Lonelon to dlreet | one drchestranon ealleel "The j Frogs." We should Oiīnk ii \vould be more appropriate for a pieee of musie i with a uaiue like that to he dire< ted by a Frenchman. ! Beer May Be Dectared Hot— ■ Newspaper headline. ! Well, as ?>ng as they don't serve it that way it's OK with us. Lillle Streamlines thinks a jomt (.onimitlee is ohe that haS somethin{r to do \vith running a beer joint |
From the book of Amos ln the Bible. Chap. 6:ls—"Woe to them that****chant to the sound of the viol, and invent to themse!ves instruments of musick." Good gosh, did they have swing bands and crooners in those <tays, too? I'.KW Simile: slow as a Filipino erossin£ a safety zone on Kfimehanieha avenue. SULL-ETIN "I can't understand why some folks don't enjoy these loveiy Hilo shovwert. M Of thitigs tlia( give us Jitters Aiiil add umo our woea, That sir«?a drlves us screwy Evory liuu. 1 iho rturn tliLng blows. In sporting circles Hilo seems to be going from baef to badmln- j ton. j CH|LDREN CRY FOR CASTORIA;
Little Sir« ivmlines, thf offiee pet, mnl jib«»ut ilu' ItnUuns crylng for Tflnlshi. tplppbonod ln*r ilm.'.L.l' s ! ~»<1 hlm tO btr « hmih- it for hor babj fcro th<»!\ N«v«r §et eti6c©uraBed. Thtnic of Jon*h. He w»s «wallowed by a whale and cam« out all Hght | after all. | Wiijjtia Waft'!<'rion ivnd iu tbe pa ' t*uit tb«> J»iin))<<•»<> tr<M>j>s aro s«fT, f i 11« nMTil»]y fi-,nu tbv In! ("hina l'nd<'C )«u<*h elroumstan<ves sh<* sh»' rt«t«wn't I*buue Japan ■ for w nitit,i! t,i th«* Opens tVK»r ] TRAOiTiON !
Thfr fir«t thtng NfrBh h« lefl th# 4«k w*4 to jj(r cut **<f ! 8«t Th»t pPOfeēfet> IK J pl»ini why *S"ort wh*n lh«> 8® j ft«hor« htad »tr»īght fot a b«<r Jo4nt. Wp hi Ppn» ih« r«»|w)rt th»t Hilv« of Honoknn m ?Vr»> «rll firj»l «■>( isijlur!il thrj n t»r H«pt lt*k tfc« r§mitni ©* Wc*»tfV WNn h»"Vent !ft h»rt H« IHi«M| hU la«t <*tvtt> | vT lt,r |toj<li<? **> nwtt> ntfiu tl.f | tl«s »*«• ctt {
Wanda Waffleiron says her brother wasn't born w.ith a sllver spoon in his mouth but he now has flo|d in his teeth. Litiie getting duiuber everi' tia.\. SUe thluks tliosf t-opper roofs Frank Huff is selling eome iro»ti Copperopolis, (,rreece. The cyanide sandwich aoe« thls w|sek to the neĪBhbor who walte untii the morninfl news broadcast comes over the radio to start his dry shaver.
A soiaier iu old Bareelona Stood up to answer the phone-a ' AVben a bullet froni Franco Shot a hole in his shank-o And -knocbed hiui ou his palona. Admīral Hepburn says a T»avaf base at Guam wiH make the Orlent more "stable." Well, that's a horse of another color—but It's a nightmare to Japan. THEHE'S NO LAST MAN 1N CHINA Gen. CWang says Ohina will never surreutler. He uiay be right if Chīua fights to tbe last man, as he says. POLITE P£O£STRIAN P«destrian >n tfowntown HUo apologizes after being struck by a motorlst. And ®clence cpend« nn«līons In sear«hinfl for frsaks of nature.
j Every lunaUo asylum has lts Na j poieon?. In future, we suppose, | iiuve & few ilusssoliuls. | j PRETTY OLD GUYS T0 ; j BE FIGHTING HOI.LY W OOL), Jau, 28—€«feri no ( «Jari itt, 15G, lā«t teclltlic«njf' knoi ked out I>iok Fo»tt«r, 157* in ! Hu' «'iglnii r<mnd of u #ch«NluU>d 10 rtn»ftud Bgiīt. Our Scotch friend from Hamakua u>i h« kno** a Seotchman t»y th« nam« Vincwt who I» h *vina M» name changed t« VI n •o at to Mve th« eenl. 60URPOSS SAM SAYS:
j »uu»u <lrlving f<»!k* t«i I (<»«• jtu«r bugUoußu. | He t «t «• not tru« that eanmhal* m«k» »oup out of human h«ad« •n<l C«l! it neo4i* aoup. Wa)kinx on cmtob«s j !s 3itt*Hrtmg -ftinn I Tt«> |>rwtr Httle w<»nch ■ * hanana 1 U«kt« tira*mlin«» a«U4 »» *** j wh«« «m wa« lntroSut I «<l te Mr. and Wra. I*tnny ] ( «M m«tf« th«m f««t ttk« two 1 I «mtt 1 «f tt»r w«blt)w I» thl# t<»wp j *H»old mHk<> J m gaocl at l«8*lng rtfrt' «nuMMI | MTMOLO4ICAL FO«ecasT 1 U««« wttl i* «tt4k«* an<( 4i«of4« f\ ln «i |Mlct t*£»f!«ns«* !? w 4<an*t ft«*4 *n »«•*!© | i*r ie th«t for wa. | )Uiiidtti4mf>r Yt*i\% J Ti«MTa | , ī tLi ' a<4 r#f« mt.«» |K< l/run Maot»a<^
(Ū^i*w*r« *«! «t»8' n 0 ' * |mt «liminail&n e&«twt &mm •*> o*t<r h»r*. f»tt*w*. *j *tm ytt«i ftt Ifcr*ysfc Wt hav» ( «*wtty ®f tor y^ w t<? ~ werk on. Vcu*(J •««#< o» **« ptiti on ©ur fre«t mrtt F*mr o<>torp« c*detv r>Nvsttv {r s flu!(to4 fros* t* * Mtttt»rj- Vm '■ «W <»« »««\i iwn ib 4( w«m «M 1« f»«# ?| weeie» NM(; TH«t* <w»C* **• « ««#Aly v*l\c et£**t ?< HWwk |i |«j$ Ufc v*|| «*» „ fr>Mn P*} ch«Kk q; 4<wM*k fcv.ua, iiJt Jk