Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 39, 25 January 1939 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]

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NOTICE TO CREOITORS ESTATE OF Ēt_tAS KA'EHA KAIWA, DECEASED AH ereditors ot said EU&s Kaeha Kaiwa, dece&sed. are notiāed to i>resent their cla!ias. wiQi i>roper voucliers or duly auth<?nticated. eeowea thereof, evea if the elaim or t are seoursd hy uiQrtgpges on real J property, to Mr. W. H. Beers. &ttori ney for the UDdersisued» at his o2iee | iu ihe B\:rns Buildins, Hiio, Hawaii. [within four mpnfhs from the dat§ jof the firsl pubHcation of tb.is eoike i or tliey witt t>e for«ver barred. | T>atea this srd oī Jaiiuaj"v. 1 A. t>. 1959, | >fRS. riLTKA KAW.\ ] .. . ' A4mlaīstritrlx. BSTATB 0F KUAS KAtHA KAĪWA.