Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 39, 25 January 1939 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]

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ESTAT6 0F MRS. WAIOLINA HO-A, DECEASED. i P. NO .... Final Account of Moses Ho-a, Execntor, and Petlt!on for allowauee of same, determlnatiou of helrs and distribution of the estate liaving been filed, ali i>er&o»s interested are notīfled, — Toesday, Febru;iry 28th, 193&, at 10 o'eloek A. M., before the rresldtojr Jodße, in Probnte, 5n his Court*waa «i the Federal Building in Hllo, Hawail, is appointed the time and plaee for tiie lieariug of saW petitlon. ī>ated at Hilo, Hawaii, tfiis 20tli day of January A. D. 1939. BI THE COURT, A. E. WEIGHT, Asslstant Cleric. Jnn. 25. Feb. 1, 8. 15. 1939.