Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 39, 25 January 1939 — How Do You Account For It? [ARTICLE]
How Do You Account For It?
In the New Xork Suuj February 38, 1937, there appeared an interestiny itein regarding the twīn pētsoriālit{es of th'e rauline Tavlors, Nos. 1 anel 2. Although not related," tlie g»rls have Uie same name ānfl were born on the sunu> duy, Sept. ember 22, IS>2O. Ttuy look alike and tliink alike. I'auline Taylor, No. 1, was born in St. Ignaco, Michigan; No. 2 in St. OiīheHne, On tarlo, Canada. They attended school in Detrolt tliree years ago aud liave heeh ever since. In the saine New York Sun, March 2, 1937, &uotlier story waā printed regarding two other girls, Elizabeth Anderson of Larchmont,
N B. ng hamtoA t.. aud JsjLi&aj>etb Aodersoii of. Rochelle, N.Y., born in Wilmington, Delaware. Both glrls were born on Jnne 17, 1919. Though not related, i they botli attend the same school, botb pi«y tennis, ride horse bacb, swim and play badminton. In ! «iiool their teaehers have confused j for years. Even their te!e- j i phone numbers are the samc but on 1 >*lifferent exchanges. They finlshed [ grammar sehool together, went to | the. sauie high school together and | hope to gradnate together. They I plan to enter college together. One lis interested in a writing career, | white the other desires to continue I her *rt studies.