Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 39, 25 Ianuali 1939 — WAR NEWS [ARTICLE]
At lust reports the battle for the p(.issfssi<)u i»t' iiui-eeloua, llie present eupuul ol Loyulis>i Spain, was increasing in iotensity.
Shelliire whleh gradually was reuoiiing towards the central section of the iity and frequent air ranis by rebel bombiug planes tore ut the nerves of Baroelona's populuiion lust night as General Francisco Franeo*s relentless ofifensive hauimered at Loyalist lines iess, lliuu teu from ihe suburbs. Tlie Loyalist governiuent is movlug to un uuiiiselose(l spot in the province of Catalonla.
The civilian populaiion, includiug uiuni Americaus an<i Britisli» are leaviug «« fust as possible, as it is thought to be ouiy a matteij ut hours until Franco*s troops eapiure thi* beleugured city.