Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 38, 18 January 1939 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I We Invitc You To OUR NEW STORE lf y«m ha\e n«rt « alleii oti u» jou lia\c nū^e»! swirtg t|»o ashurlnunt uf WATCH£S - RINUS SILVLRVi ARt atn! all of lH u«tiful £.ifu fur «tl iKCA«uuu*. Yamamoto Credit Jewe!ers 221 K ( -»mch.» \u. IUK H*^*u f\fh h !f «m /j. t Uh K ūiul Ji us t(} &G*G&&s&6&9mmsee9semmeew&emm9Q&99imtQwt4ft99&99ē