Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 38, 18 Ianuali 1939 — Bolivia Offers Land To German Refugees [ARTICLE]
Bolivia Offers Land To German Refugees
Word has been received at Wa- j shtngton that Rolivia, Soutli Amei i-1 ean republic, has taken action that j may open her vast empty spaces to i thousands of refugees from Ger- ] many. . j T>>e Boli\ian goveriiment has adopted a rosoluuoa. siaung "tlia,t. ( the frontlers of Bolivia are opon to peopio of ;\ii :he worid, sane of body and mind who desire to eome to: work the rich lands whieli are graat ed to thom gratuiiousli'." ; SuttuU&aeousb it was learned the , govemment has decided to offer; Uouiesteaders 50 hectares (about, i'iīi acres) ot iand, tree passage from, i Bolivi*n lrontier for immigr*nts and lUieh' lamiiies and free ontry for, thetr hoosehold beioagings and agriculturai toois.