Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 38, 18 Ianuali 1939 — No. 1 "Angel" Back With Father Divine [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

No. 1 "Angel" Back With Father Divine

Peaee, look who's bac*k again! ■ lt's Paithful Mary, bacli in beav-' eii at 176 W. 126t1i St., Haileui, New . York City, axid onee more insuilled , in ber old spot at the riglu haml of "God" (Futher Diviue) Tbe rcturu ot tbe weU-upholMei-ed "'auger', details ot whioh aro t-o--ing kept a elosely guavded celes(ial secret, patches up a 17-iuoutli l'oiul wilh ihe eult ieader, duriug whieh FaiUi£ul Mary blasted liits "diviuily" \vitli uuconiplimeutary remarks, Accor<liQg to tlie other "aiigels", tbe returu will be cUmaxed with a iuouster demoiistraUou ot Uiilh ui. ! whieh Wiary, dressed iu while from [ head lo foot, will publicly apologize for having strayed froiu tlie fold. ■ Mary was the favorive "augel" before she stalkod out of the fold iu April, 1937. "Re aiu't uo God", she declared o£ Father Diviue. "He's jus.t ;v foolisli old mau." Later she testified ugaiust lūm in Supreme Court in an aelion wlieie Father Diviae \vas beiug sued by au ex-"augel", Veriuda Uro\su, for |4,- | 000.

Father Divine is the man, a uegro, who for years has been declaring kimself God aud has a large lollowing, not only iu New York bui iu. several places througliout the linited Staies. He owns millio.us of doilars wo«;th ol propeity ou wlneh he has succeeded in evading go\ornmeut tax. So £ar all Uuele Sam's tax oolke tors have been able to colltot is a cheery "Peaee, it is wonderiul."