Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 38, 18 Ianuali 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Keporrs sho\v l Ikiī iuost swing mush- i- i>roihu-e,l bv Tlu? .To\vish buys. Nu\v \vo uiuU'rsuiud why llitier is runniug nll tho -lews out of cJeruiany. the way George Brent, screen star, keeps hopping back and forth between Hollywood and Honoiu|u, it would pay Him to buy a commutation ticket. A soiig \ve .<sirig, A song ol' hope; You i"«i get a new cnr F<>r a <'ake of soap. Whether President Roosevelt likes hambiirgers or not } we have reason to believe that he likes a certain Frankfurter. * UNUSUAL NEWS NOTE A lui< driver gave the pivpei- signal wliile niaking a V tnru in :i (lowuto\vii seetioii of Hiio yesterday. NOT THAT KIND ŌF A CLUB

Little Streamh'nes, the office vamp, thinks the Hilo Woman's club is something housewives use for beating up on the old ma'ii when he staggers home with the milkman in the early hours of the morning. OtiT on the desert Sits poor Oswiikl Cass; He started for Kon.a With a half tank of gas. Rebellious Faithful Mary is back again with Father Divine as one of his "ange!s" f after beirvg on the ōuts with the se!f -styled "God" for nearly two year«, but she had to apoloflize for belng a naughty girl. She couldn't resist those niee, juicy pork chops and ehieken that grace Father Divine's tabie, any longer. | Y£ KEN, MON? | Sunio S<'otchmen eall a liouse a j lH»use, j Soine eall a fisli a fush, And \vhat they ail oall por-r-r-ridge Amerioans jusr oull muiih. r


There ha« not be«n a bank fait urt In Scotland »if>ce 1878. How ean there be if the Scot« never draw any of their money »ut? <'zwh< vi>}; 4.1 th# eiMl of thf j':far afwr io ».xi*u in<' f ( tr ><*!)li pru «hilii'l lui\o ,Hiy Uvruiitii Dust out a eell Fer Mike O Oyer; He calied a tcaffic Cop * liin Mu»t Have Been a Jazz Pft>gram

Whilo an (»hio doctor \vas listen-| 1 inix to n progruin on hls portable r&- ; dio, :i thiof reaehed in tlie open windo\v and stole it. !■ l'robably it was just one of the i neishbors who didn't like the proi graiu. LIMMER-LICK There's a ehap by the name of Bitl Chun j Ai whom we direct this wee pun; ! His fo!ks eame from China j But they don't make 'em fine-a ! Than this big hearted son of a i : gun. 'I ■; _■ - No, Little Stream!ines, Ferdinand the Bull had nolhin# to do ' with the battie of Buil Run. Rpast Goose For the !rish? A flook of wil'.l geese \vere seen ! flvuig ;utoss the iui<l-westem states s;ist wei'k, going uorili when they :ae sui)posed to be tlying south at ( tlus tmie of the year. lf they land j m Irelaud they may not be as lucky ,;it W Way Corrigan. ] _ j Engltsh army officer writes a ! book about so!diers in the war ' and calls it "Lions Led By AM«s." That partly exptains why the Tommies eail some people "siHy f aws*s." | oui, oun ! II I'Hiee waiits to sliow his miglit By getting mis:ed up iu u Ilut 5f lie ever pieks on Franee He'll lose liis aruii and liis pants. He thiuks beeause he*s got Sir Keville Convinced Uiat he is on the level • Ttmt he eau bJuff the Frenchmen, ? too,— ' . :;j I "Non, non!" "Tive la FranceJ"j i "Saore Meu!" ) bull-etin j "Whiie this saie lasts I«n «eil- | j ing these goods at tess than eost." j ' ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST i I>isoouiei)t aud restlessuess feaI auv iīie begiiiuing o£ ihe year. I Ayv- : liiat's wheu the Christmas j IhHs eome in and we have to get j new oar lieeuses. j 1939 simile: As harmonious | as a newly oro»nized schooi band. \\ anda Waflūeiron says if tfae ! b «nduiaster ruus sdiort of cash this uoght to be abie to itottov froiu Doc Hiil ou liie nnn>a (H'ilniāii. s|>art* that tree.