Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 37, 11 January 1939 — Press Clipping Bureau Celebrates 50th Year [ARTICLE]

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Press Clipping Bureau Celebrates 50th Year

. Mark l'waiu» uli.lnjugh iiol directl}" c.au tiik^ i Ihe foundiug of tUe oldest press clij,ipiug buivau iu the WesU Xhisj \vas reyealed this week wilh the ee- j leUi'aiiou.ol ihe iii'UeUh auulifersaji' j oi l'rt,'&3 Clippi«g Bureitu iu i Suu Augeles audJ |

I* was 'i'waiu'a rosj- pieture o£ iU« iu tbe \Vest that iutlueuced his ,cuiusUi Will Oieiueas, to corue to iiuu Fraacisco aud slart a press cJii»piug l>ureuu. Authoril>- £ur this bit ot iiistyry is Harris & Alleu, wko iias guided thtf bureau's <i«stiui«s siu\;e 1893. Congratulatory m«ssages frōiu treads of newsi»tper assocīations iuiJicate th\> indispensabie uature of service performed by tlie ellppiug bareau, \vhose subscribers iueluile publio uifk'ials, busiuoss exe<nittves, movle stars aud welfare workoi>\ Frioud W. Riehardson, fon«er gover»or of Califoruia aii<!' pres!dent of the Oal!foruia Press i | Am>eiatiou \vrote : | "I my congratulatious oq Uie! fiftieth auuiversary of your fiue ser-1 vive. Yo\i have alded oSficials and! org:inizations in seēiug tlie liglit p£! pulilie upiniuu as oxpressed,,iu tūs] pr t *ss aiKĪ havo tbus iucreased its"j luilueuee i"or puhlie good. Youx - scr- j v ieo hus īiiaii»' ii possibie ior lue tol fh>sciy wauh publie opiuiuu iu the| \rirīous «,tffices I have helil 1 liave| aiways fouud your service aeeura{e, j elTi<-īf!){, uud aurprisingly prompt." j i'iciiardsou \vas lor years ( pub,iisher tjf Uie Berkeley (,Cali£.J j aud for a g.uarter of a eeu-' iuiy has lieeu presideut of Uie Ca | 5 'niia I'ress Assodaiion, He st.iie primer, sUite trea.6urer, gov-. eruer, buiidiiig aud loan couimis- { aud sui>eriuteudeut o£ bauks» iho bureau s readers aeau aiuioai i ne\v>ivupers «mi periodieals. eaeii «ii'k, iieius. »:tipped Droui ue\vs I of H»e go to every part • ioi Iln- l iiil.Hi SSiUes :md 10 UtfU*y' } fureigu Eaeh itetu is| ! isif ue\vspaper ' aoiu it was takeu. J