Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 37, 11 January 1939 — SENATOR CUNNINGHAM VERY POPULAR NOWADAYS [ARTICLE]

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lt like a lndy's liaml will; roek the senate boat this year. As j in the 1937 session Senator Sarah j Cunningham will be tliat laU}', savs I Uie Hawaiī Sentinel, ofHouolulu.j She joined the conBervative inem-J bers ol the senate in īlie 1937 session and ended with a legislature goose egg. Slie got bills pagsed in the senat«, but not even Ihe leaders o£ the senatt* could get her bills througli ihe lower house ? where she had aroused the enmlty of the Big Island backers of the poliee maeh-l-ine.

Senator Sarah with the late Senator Campsie attempted.to get passed a bill whieh would have put the Hilo poliee department under a poliee commission, designed to breakup the Big Island poliee political maehine, the most powerful factor in Hawaii political life. Just whieh side of the senate Senator Sarah will join tliis session is stijl the heated subject of dehate in political circles. It is believed though that she is incllned to lean again to tlie conservative element if they would only be able to guarantee her a clear field for her bills in the lower house.

The coalltlon element ol the senate, composed of liberal Repubticans, Demoerats and one Non-Partisan is closer to the ear of the governor. They %re hoping to woo lier on their side by promises of equsideration by the governor of reTritorla» appointinentē 011 th«' l?e--cause of her failure to Une up wlth the eoaMllon pro trovovnr>r f:iction last session she was cut off tluring the past years from any consideration when Big Island appoiutments were made. Both the eonservative and the eoalillon factions of the senate «ire knowa to have liel<J couferenees with Senator Sarah during hēr recent vislt in Honolulu. Senator David Trask is known to hav& tried to woo Benator Sarah into the coalition eamp, while Senator Jogeph Farrlngton has been doing the coaxlng for the oonsorvatives.

At the present stauding th<? eonservAtives elaim tliey ean mais!mll on their side Senators Farnngton, Oooke, Beebe, Silva, \Vilcux and mii. The CoalitioD elnini Trash, Heen, Feiti«adef,.Brown, HoU atid i»ossibiy Kealoha. L)r. Franols Sylva who looV.s liko lie -will be elected is stHl au uulinown iiaantity. He will iu>( oouunit liimseU it is known unlīl aesuied of eleelion.