Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 37, 11 January 1939 — New Clippers Will Operate Next Month [ARTICLE]
New Clippers Will Operate Next Month
AiVi<nliiis u> li. O. liullwiukel, i iu;Uiugvi ui' Pau Amei'ioau Airways i at Soatlle, one of tlie uewly oomple. i ieii 74 i»iisseug»'i- I>i*ing clippers! i wiii begiu uan!si>Hcifio passeuger i>ei\ne eaiiy ueiL moutli. Xests oi | tlie new sliip are now l)eiug aud Uie e\acc d»te oi' tlie lirst tlight will doi»t'inl un ilie oaieoiue of ttiese (.esLt>. . . 1 <>uly 35 i>asseugers will be car--1 ri«»d on īlie tirst uight, lioweYer, ! r't(mj San i ,, rancis< , o to Honolulu, f but on the retum trip froui Honoj mtu i>rovisiou will be made for 58 I tlie difTerence being due I īo sleeylng arraugements. : 'l'he new clipper is scheduled to ' go i o Maniia and Hongkong. BullI winkel also amiouueed a reduction of 20 per ceiit in fares, due to the yre.nter c;ii-ryintc uapaciīy of the i itew sliips.
.\ -c>»i!iug to ;• n-i-en! «lilion of iht- Waii Street Joumal Germany prodūcHl more thau 1000 new ]>lancs in iho uiomh of November whiih iiulh'fi_to that she Intt>nrls to prortuce as mauy planes yeariy as the United States, wlileh wili turn out about 12,000 planes a jear, or more.