Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 36, 4 Ianuali 1939 — HOPKINS PLANS NEW EMPLOYMENT DRIVE [ARTICLE]
k has heen leamed that Seeiei tary of Commerce Harry 1 i is consideriug a uationwide drīvt> i to put oC uuempk>yed iq i woik iu private iudustry. i The drive would be uaade by liie I department or eommeix*e in eonjunetion v,iUi busines.s orgaßiīuUous aad wouid be aimeO at geUi»£ em ployerii to cooperate in ptx> ducuve private work to as Uidiiy possible of the countryV nioie ihan jobiess. lt ls generally believed iht <h ive wili start in a few weeks,