Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 35, 28 December 1938 — Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]
Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters
AT TIIE PALAOE TIia\TRE Tcū»y only witb Loreita Yo«njr, Tyronc Powtu* antl Annu— hel'a Tomorro\v auil Fruky "M«a With Wiugs* wlth Fr«d MacMurr«.v aml Kay Milland fc Xhauk< for the with Bob_ HO4K' auU £jiiūiey Koss B«iulay aini Moada.v ' l Listoi\ Dar!ing" wilh Froudie Brtrtholo!Ucw, ,] GarkiiU aud 6cot,ii' Bccki;tt Xih£sOaj aiui Weiuuīsilai\ next week "A Man to with Ann Sbii*tcy anvl £uwarJ EUIs AT THE KMPIIU: TMKATRE Totiay aua tomorrow "AnnaheHa Takt s a Tour.' with J aek Oakie anU Lueille Rsl! iTruiay only wiih Fei.v Va*Wjo aiui Au»u£ ue k K&m& Batwrt!ay on!y "Mystorioo.-5 R!i!or" \vith n'.iuion'io auu To]i-r bu&day an<l Momlai' "&x|MBi*r- with F«rrt>ii *mt Ott<» Kru£M " v ith Buek Jone> I tial. > Vov Bīnutns" wilh 1 Bin? *.Vv»sbv an<l Fml sfac - ;Murraj