Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 35, 28 December 1938 — New Store Will Be Open Soon [ARTICLE]

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New Store Will Be Open Soon

TUe new store of the Y. Yaxnaiiaoto con\panv w»U open about the cnd of thi<; \vp!?k first of ne:\t, Diio to a at'iay sn «eit.in!ī a shipmnit ot so:i]e of īho ftx:ur«>s tho grand opening cannot be annouuced in thjs issue. We'H have morc to say about it nest week. The new stcre will be located in the new Canario buUding, next to the Standard drug and wili be xnost modern in every way. — —4* He ekolu mau Rusave!a ma ke tooa -hookahi i hooaumoe nia ka Hale Keokeo i kekah po o kela pule aku nei, a oia no ka Peresidena. kana keiki no ka inoa hokahi anie kana moopuna ma ia inoa hookahi •no.