Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 35, 28 Kekemapa 1938 — HAPPY NEW YEAR [ARTICLE]
j And hesides \vishing a!l our .readers and friends lbest of cverything throughofit the New Year, the man:ageaieiu of Ka lloku O Hawaii takes this opportunity j of thaaking every.body.who has helped us make. 193S a| successful year for this newspaper. i While it has been one of the most suecessful years inj the'history of this newspaper, we are unable to slīiuwa profit although we are pretty well "out of.the. red M aad, jhavc great hopes that the. coming year will surpass 1938 ji« volume of business and that we will be in position tg |show a neat profit at the end of 1939. I We are forming several new plans for the coming !year, whieh we expect to put into action in the very near future. An intensive.campa_ign.will be started soon for the doubling of our present circulation. The editorial poiicy and the news service will be improved and the general appearance of the paper will shortly undergo a complefe change. Our new type arrived last.week from the American Tvpe Founders Company, of New Jersey, and is already being put into pse.* Readers ean help us by offering suggestions. These sua:gestions will be. vvelcomed at all times. Again we ?av HAPPY NEW YKAR!