Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 34, 21 Kekemapa 1938 — Waiakea Theater [ARTICLE]
Waiakea Theater
| Wecl,-Thnr. Double Bill ■ Spring Tiiue In Tue RocKics Gene Auli;y Tliorouglibrt;d Tobj Wit\g "N"ous m-Bat. l)oub!e mii T>ark .īounioi Conr4<.l \'cidt Fale^l;ul % v Anne L(>sl Cily iso, 6 Xows Sun:-Mon. IX>ublc liiil Lovc Takes a Flight Brueo Oal>ol Forever Yours 441 siur Cast Coast Guard Xo. 5 Nevvs Toes. onb Dou!>le Rill Pemale Fugitive All SUr €ast Fists liemian lirix Xeivs —*§. — - - The Misses lloweua aud Eva Kaumehoiwa, of Wailuku, Maui, arrivevl 011 thc Hualhiai, vSaturr]fly morning to visit their. t»a!f-<!ii?ter, Mps. He!iriotia F. r>ixon. They will be jjue;>ts of th«» l>ixotis st thoir m>w homt in aiakoa HoiiKStoad for tvvO weefes» !