Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 33, 14 December 1938 — ARGUMENT IN SCREENO CASE ON HERE TODAY Attorneys for Consolidated and Hilo Theaters Appear In Circuit Court [ARTICLE]

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Attorneys for Consolidated and Hilo Theaters Appear In Circuit Court

3ttdge D. E, M«tījer ovprru!ed the ConsoKdated Amusement Company's demurrer īn the Screeno case on āll gronnds this afternoon. ConsoīJdated will have 21 days withln whloh to fi!e an answer to the petition of the Hilo Theatersl Ltd. | Raisins thvec jurisdiotio«al ob-! jēcti«ns, Att<m?oy I.ooi\ W. Scales,' Toprcßonn'nA th e Conso!!dhte<l Ai»usenioiit Co.. sought today to; havp Jui'se !). E. Metzger disfsolve the tomiKuaiv restraining or<ler pre\eiiting the Palaee thcator; from usins tho aimisement devk e' ! known Soroono. ! | Mr. Scaies and Attorney J. P. 1 Russell, reprosonting tlio petitionor. Hilo Tlieaters, Ltd., hegan argument at 10:S0 ;\.m. on a demurrer fileti hv the CousoliJatcU Amusement eompany. Both attornej*s devoted inueU liine to vitius instances where eourts di(i or did not have jurisdictioa over tases invotYing ,allesed threatened hifrinsement of exj vlutiive patent rij;hts. The faor <.anie up during the course of the argument ,that l>oth lhe'Hilo Tlieaters and ed have contracts with the Streeno company in Chicaso. This was brought out in an ameuded petitiou by tlie attorueys for tlie petii tioner. The eaae first urose a week aso S«turday wlie» Hilo Theaters were »ranted the temporary restraiuiug order by Judse Meu&e r aīter filing a petition statinj; that they h»«l exrh?sive right to use Uie amusemeut device in Hilo. Scroeivo lias heen played at the Mamo theater whieh is owaod bv Hilo Th«aters. On December S. the ConsoJidated companj- fited a dem«rn>r to the petitioa in whieh U %vas elaiaied that the petition wss "inuliifarious. uncertain, informal, ambiR»ous. artrumentative, inconsisteuī afa d ins«fficient both iu form aud isuhstanee."

t>A\CF SATVR»A\* - TiK p;;mary branch of Moraicn ehurch i& spoosormg .1 da.r,ce ou Ssturxiai DecetDbct 17 ai ?he Momwn l»ll. Music wrUl be furnislie<i l*y Mokcs Melo<tj' boys. in ehan;e are m&kitig the nffair ar ftltr»ctive a&e. The dance wl!l : tAri at 8 p. m. i