Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 33, 14 Kekemapa 1938 — CHINA WANTS TO BUY TRUCKS Mission Is Negotiating In New York for Purchase of Cars In U. S. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Mission Is Negotiating In New York for Purchase of Cars In U. S.

WASHISGTON, l)ec. 13 — Informed rirrsons said last night a Chinese tinancial mission headed by K. P rhon is= negotintins in New York and Wasliing',(on for purchasr of niany automobile cr«cks.i • • Officials of the Export aiul Imporr bank intiiste(i the Chnieso hail not coiiteried with liiem on the snhīecf, hui adi)iitteil ce)'tain trucli nianufactt)rers appnnuheu the bank in re.c"ani to sales with Cliina. Th-e lirms \vere h<-lieved to inelude ti'.;neial i[otor«*. lndioaTioiis were that «egotia-

iions ot ih« iu)!<sion aie jn "īinal phasesi" and that tliere are prosipects (of a siH'cessful conclusion and earlv announeeniem of some. i oredit :arrangement.

Treaisury department spokesmen aiul Cliiiiese onibaf!sy offiiials decliiied eoniment on Shanghai rumors, reaclii»s Wasliington yesterday, tliat tli« I"jiito<! Statcs has £?rantt>ci Ohiīia a ioan or eredit ōf betwet'!i $20.0tifi.utHī ;uid §30,000.000. !' ' '