Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 33, 14 December 1938 — JAPANESE ARE WITHDRAWING INTO THE CITY Previously Conquered Territory Is Reported Given Up As Chinese Advance [ARTICLE]

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Previously Conquered Territory Is Reported Given Up As Chinese Advance

HONGKONG, Dec. 13 — Chinese troops are reportedly closer to Canton today, with a big semi-circle causing the Japanese to withdraw into the city from previously conquered territory. Japanese sources said that Kwangtung authorities are recruiting troops under Gen. Chiang Kai~shek*s order for a counter-attack. Gen, Hikiohi Ar \i c n i! ' ° that his 300,000 iioepe Pi i—»d Canton, are rest3e?- > a i o._ ~ r inactivity, publislied a let Icr Gen. Chiang Kāi-shek, to "i . head 1.000,000 troops in an encounter with 3apanrse forces io. deterniine the issue in a dec....e j battle." CHINESE RECOVEn LOST TERRITORI SHANGHAI. »?c. 13 i Btroops reported today that they have recovered vinnaily all territorv lost in Hunan '-'noe tlio japunese oocupat-ion of Yooh.ow November 12. Their latest vi=".o i v in the nM>nth lon:; included the capture of thr»v \ 1 lages east of Yoehcw in whieli 1 ( advanced wiihin three mileī ofj Tungchenf. i