Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 32, 7 December 1938 — FRANKER SPIRIT URGED BY GAYDA Expresses Hope for 'Happy Epilogue' to French-German Good Neighbor Pact [ARTICLE]
Expresses Hope for 'Happy Epilogue' to French-German Good Neighbor Pact
EOME, Dec, v '6—Virgihio Fascist commentator, ex-pressed the hope that the good neiāhbor aecord beUveen France ar.d Germany would have a "happy epilogue," In whieh Prancc and Grcat Britam would recognize "with .a franker spirit of cooperation and sac?ifice the legitirnate rights of establisheri interests of Germany a.nd Italv." Gayda āsserted that Germany"s eolonial deraands involved territories occupied by Frahee :md Britain, not by sovēreisnty but only under the League of Nation's mandates, "therefore they are "'open to
I the possibility of radical revision of | their poluieal roeime. i He -?aid Germany wouM keep | ltaly int"onned on negotiaiions on jthe Fianco-Gonnan accord.