Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 31, 30 November 1938 — Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

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Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters

AT TIIE PALAOE THEAT«E Totlay only * k Lelter of J[ntroduction v with Ari(lroa li€us, George. Murphy and Aiiolphe Menjou Tomorrow aml Friday '*Oamp*is Confessionf5 M crith Bett.v Gj-able anii Eleanore \Yhitne.v Satin\lBy only tk GirPs Schoor' wlth Anm Sbirley am! Nan Grey and Mondsj* l Thnn Ortain Age n with Deanna Dorbin and .īaekie Cooper. TuestUy aiul Wedne!»tlai*, next week **The Arkan?:as Tn»v«-ler ' \vith Bo!> Burns ai)d F;«y Baintcr,

AT TiIK EMPIRfc TMKATRK To*i«,v aini tomorrow v> it Hai>pe.m*iī Une with C»lark Gablv and 01audett<? Ooll>ert Frid*y an«.l Saturtkv "UuemiLwMp* wiih M»rgot Phys "SvHidovpn S*undt v rs w v?ith Bob St«H?le Sumky only "Keep with Jaue W ith«rs, Mondaj aiul Tu^^lay % *The l>ead M»reh ' war tlrama "Saf«ti io Kuusbers" with Tho 3onos Faiuily