Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 31, 30 November 1938 — STUDENTS TAKE ACTIVE PART AT UNIVERSITY Koji Arioyoshi From Hawaii Wins Second Plaee In Annuai Contest [ARTICLE]

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Koji Arioyoshi From Hawaii Wins Second Plaee In Annuai Contest

Hr»"NOI.T' , LI , --Kojl Ariyoshi, Big īsland sophoniore at tho Fniversity of Hawaii, won second plaee last' week in the annual Thanks- ! «ivinsr essay-oratorietil contest. f Ariyosh!. of Pahala, Kau, gradnUtefl !rom Konawaena hiPTh sehool in 1931. He is a member of Hakuba Kai. Japanese men's fraternīty. eo-ehainnan of Ihe jimior class

pienie will he Miohio Takaki, of Kohala. it was mmr>nnee<l. This arfair will he held in tlie seeond j week of Deeemher. it was planned. AValter Aoki. of Capt. Oook. is cliairman of the games" eommittee for the pienie. A praduate of Konawaena hieh -scliool, Aoki ls ] enrolled in Teaehers College He is manager of the wrestling team. A freslimau mlxer xvas held 7nsT Satnrdav 'nisht. under the <iirection of four Blg Tsland stndeiits: Evnneeline Mori, Kam Mukafda, Kikue Kaneko, and Tīoivar<l Tatsuno. All fonr aro graduates of Konawnena high «ehool. The Teaehevs Collese elul), to whieh many Bitt īslanil students| helon?. hehl a hmeheon T\iesday, J I in whieh a play \vas given, and a < piaeliee teacher spoke. ] "The annual YiICA-TW.C A eampl toufeveuce was held Friday, Sat-j ur!;;.y. aml tfunday at Camp Kru-; man, Mokuleia. The topk for dis- j cussion \vas "We are free —but.*' I iĀhA iUre*i pnueipal aih jxeeogai2ed Honolulu youth lead- j l«ers. \vere Dr. Moore, as- < csistaut professor o£ ph.ilosophy,! f uuU vlit'vxtoi' uX liie Uuiver-1 ( ūty's Oiieuul lusUvute, Fiauk| j l'oiuiei piesideut o£ the | Iwuieliaaie'aa schools; aud Dr. , ilUes E. Cary, priucipal of MeKiu- ; ley liigh sclioo3. j Bt\iuuee Tsui. president o£ jVWCA. m.uie ti::;il arrangemeutv I for the affair. J