Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 31, 30 November 1938 — DIRECT RELIEF REDUCTION SEEN Collections From Welfare and Unemployment Relief Tax Show Decline [ARTICLE]

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Collections From Welfare and Unemployment Relief Tax Show Decline

HONOLULU, Nov. 29—A reduction from $18.000 to $8.500 for gen-_ eral assistance or direct relteī tō be allowed approSimately 1,200 destitute families throughout the Territory Ls faced by the territorial board of public welfare, it was revealed yesterday by Dr. Avthur L. Dean, chairman. Collections from the welfare and • unemployment rclief * tax of one- j half of one per cent liave declined'

nearly $19.000 during t,he last three months as compared witli {hase of the same period in 1937. The rate of decline has incrcase'd eaeh month and unless therc lias been a_ sharp uptuni in salaries and dividends during November and tliere occufs a similar increase in December, revenues available for wolfare wi" fall short of estimates and be insuffi- ] cient to contin\ie re!ief nt thc present paee. Shortage Scen Total tax collection,s from tliis sourc« for the year are not expected to exceed $710,000 at the present time. Minimum estīmate of Burton L. Hunter, house holdover committee research expfi't, last summer placed the 1938 surplus at $69,964 ]over the legislntive appronriation! i for welfare use of $G50,000. Thc dif-' I ference is nenr Mio amoum of short-1 age ant,icipatcd by t)ie \velfare ; t board, f