Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 30, 23 Nowemapa 1938 — Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Coming Attrractions At Hilo Theaters

AT *FHE PALACE TIIEATRE Today only 4% Secrota of un* Actress ,, with Ka.v Franclj *ukl Gcorge ± Bront Thnrst!ay and Friil:».v \cit-h | Boyer antl lkdy Lamarr J T" Sttturtini' only "Vacat»on Fn>m Love'' with Dennis o~KeviY aml Florence Rice ■.■BwHiUky.and Motui«y _ * wUh Wai — laee Becry Mickcy T«esday «nd .... Sn»asbing tK» Kuclvcts" ■with Clicstcr Morris

\T T?TE m?,\TWA TocUy amī touiorrow * Vk Ma» ? s.CastJe" wjth Sp^t» ccr Tracy and Lorttta Toang Frkl«y aml S«tur»īH.v "Fi*ichi to Fnm<" wjth Ci»rk« FftrivU f >l Te5: KWcs w īth the Bov Bcouts'* with Tox Rittcr Ouiku^onU' T<wgh Guy" with 'Tbe Ftul Kids" Mond»y only - "JĒNjrsoß»l Becrf>tj»r.\" with WiHmni G«rgan ar. d ,Toy »es Tne?rh».v o^K' **Troiic Ilo!j-a;i..v 4 *' vrith ,M«rth« au<i lx4> ** f Next wtvk 1 "It Or o Xight* |with Ckrh Q&hk «ro Clamlcttc | Colbort