Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 30, 23 Nowemapa 1938 — XMAS PARADE BEING PLANNED Floats to Depict Christmas Character or Scene On Evening of December 10 [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Floats to Depict Christmas Character or Scene On Evening of December 10

A new innovation of the Christmas promotion plan in Hilo will be thc staging of a small paraj3e of | floats in downtown Hilo when the Christmas sireet 3ights go on at 6:30 p. m. Saturday. December 10. it was announced today by Gordon H. Scruton, executive secretary of the chamber of commerce. Eaeh float will depict a Christmas character or s>ceīie anel the parade will go down thc main str<?ct* before the lights are turned on and retura aftcr thcy havo been lumeil on. The parade is beiiig held m conjunction with the lights and* tlie windcvv display contest sponsoi-ed by the merchants' division of thc Hilo Chambei' of Commerce. Roy C. BlackAliear, vice president of the division, is in charge of the arraugements.

[ Radio station KHBC is cooperatiug witli the chamber bv broadeasti»g appropriate Christmas music during ihe parade whieh will be picked up by radios in the parade. . T.he Hiio High Schooi Glee elub ; under Uie direction of Millard Mundy, will stage a song i at Mooheau park the same evening. £tarling at 7:15. This procram wili ai>o bo bryadeast over KHBC. The Olee club wlll sing some of their mi\ numlKUi- and nlao iead in the miuvs of a n\unber of ChrisUnas earol>