Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 30, 23 Nowemapa 1938 — Kahanamoku Is Opposed To Plan [ARTICLE]
Kahanamoku Is Opposed To Plan
HONOLUUi Nnv, 22 — Shrrtff EMike P Kahannmokii v>ns on mord todav in r>pjxvsitlor. to oor.,Mruotton of « "Hf* wivins blnnd" ofi tho bp»oh at Waiklki. Thi» fa«\wis bwlmnit v r that towors p'»c«! on shojwould rvrovo moir efftcifnt aihl \\x<uld neK !ntprfert» with surfT>oard r ! .dort, H<> poitU«J oUt also that U woul<! be ea&aer for «\e guank to waleU, the swimmers from Uu.\ «Hauia Jf*s gUit Troiv. tiio wwtti aiu TO M?;l=r" Yl'c Juni ?•.! BJue TiUngk' dub ot thc VWCA w!!! !S irgul:u W«Snwsday eveaing dt 7 45. Ai iK,,v| Uiin* a feut ui4K»rta:u bwL>;iic&js will b«? l«ld, Piiwl plaa- fu ihe ru-Vulet Sport Daiu t *hM; bc htk, ~n Saiurdaj 4 Dc«,cuiU"i al..>r. bt - U: tht tlub u;f!hl>- 1 \ i« «U, Si.- a 'r\i q\U?i UoiilA of busliu;M. , Wmj 4imior |Jhif T?Uu t;a.ubcr ,1* v;rgt,4 W U *; U*i*. fort).uunUs mrfting |