Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 30, 23 November 1938 — DEMONSTRATION WILL BE GIVEN Mrs. Hirai to Demonstrate Making of Modern Bead Bags, Other Novelties [ARTICLE]
Mrs. Hirai to Demonstrate Making of Modern Bead Bags, Other Novelties
The Womeii'? Aiixiliary of the Society nf American Citizenss of Japanese Aneestry and the YMBA Women'? Anxil''arv nro joiritly spon?oririg a m'eeting Wednfesday nigltt at 7:30 at the Hilo YBA hall, at wliieh time Mrs. S. Hirai; formerly of Japan, will give a free demonstration 011 liow to make modem bead bags and other Japanese novelties. Members of hotli clubs are urgert to hi'iiiK tli«sir friendg to the mooting. The g'eneral puhlie is cordiaUy iiirited. Mrs. Hiral, v&ose lnisl>and formerly tauglit at the līilo Hongwunji school, is an expert in making bags aiul purses with large beads. I,ater she plans to start classes in Hilo for āll glrls am! women interested in malcing these novelties for Christmas gifts, Pu ring their stay iu Hilo Mr. aml SJrs. Hirai are housegue3ts of Mrand Mrs, Jiushi Murashige o£ T\*aiakea llo!nesteads. Mr. Murashige was one of Mr. Hirai"s pupils at ihe HUo Hougwauji school many years ago.
WELOOMK SOX —Their second son was bcrn to Mr. and Mrs. llarold Dunn of Hilo at 9:30 a. m. l'Xiay at ihe Hilo Memorial ho*i>itiU, Bot!i aiollior atid ehikl aro Thc Dumis' fin»t son, Ross LK;.tson i!» aboui uvo years oki Mr. Dunn is cmpsoyed at nio Amenean Pactors, Ltd. Hb wife is tho former Marion Dotiifioii of Honolulu.